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Everything posted by CeeFar

  1. CeeFar

    Looks like fun! Wish I was there haha
  2. CeeFar

    Sounds good! Any amount is appreciated and goes to a good cause. Wire it to me next time we're both on.
  3. CeeFar

    You might not realise, but there's actually hotkeys to change the height/elevation of your barrel, and it actually takes a good amount of maths to get it all right.
  4. CeeFar

    Whitelisted gang bases would be fine, spawnable rebel bases, not so much.
  5. CeeFar

    This would be disastrous. Trolls with easy access to high caliber weapons? no thanks.
  6. CeeFar

    "On duty cops" will 100% be able to respond to prison breaks now
  7. CeeFar

    Awww... Where are you going???
  8. CeeFar

    Ahhh okay
  9. CeeFar

    What's the point of having an amazing tool that goes BRRRRTTTTT if you aren't going to utilise it. Just my opinion.
  10. CeeFar

    I like your points, and they are valid, HOWEVER. I fly CAS just about whenever I'm playing I&A, I'm not the best, but at the same time, I wouldn't call myself too bad. It's extremely frustrating sitting up in the air, asking for tasking every 5-10 minutes with no responses/markers given at all. Infantry RARELY mark CAS targets from What i've seen, and when they do, they don't specify what it is, or what they want done, usually just a marker that says "MAKE GO AWAY CAS". Very frustrating. Just my two cents.
  11. CeeFar

    You can't be honest when you tell me you've never done it with your teammates/friends.
  12. CeeFar

    @MadHackz How did you get rid of the HuD?
  13. CeeFar

    And change the name to Illegal Transport Mission. I like it
  14. CeeFar

    @LuckyB33f yes they are. The other problem is that from a cop standpoint, we have NO IDEA if it's a legal one or an illegal one, as they are EXACTLY the same truck. They're big, heavy, and explode easily + cost literally nothing to get. Trolls use them to ram vehicles, blow them up, cause trouble and do no good.
  15. CeeFar

    Thanks leppy. In all seriousness though, it can't be that hard to do.
  16. CeeFar

    Or do what they do on tanoa - drop points with your OWN vehicle.
  17. CeeFar

    *cough* implementation of off duty police officers *cough*.
  18. CeeFar

    Simple is good, but at the same time simple is bad, it leaves lots of loopholes and grey areas which people will exploit/use and cause issues in the back end of things (helpdesk)
  19. CeeFar

    What are we looking at exactly?
  20. CeeFar

    Realistically - once a group of criminals hits off the bank, there's not really much they can do when it comes to reinforcements except for externals. Possibly allow reinforcements for both sides BUT give a limit on how close they can get to bank/what they can do once they arrive. E.G Reinforcements can't directly insert into the bank (both sides) etc etc.
  21. CeeFar

    There are severe punishments for having gear you are unable to purchase. And apparently we are no longer allowed to give out gear for Bank/Fed. Don't ask me who/what/when/where/why/how but apparently that's the case.
  22. CeeFar

    @Spectral The chances of us having air assets, while I'll admit, has increased, isn't always the highest. 90% of the time the people we go up against at bank have navids and just shoot down our heli we are using to do recon. We are SEVERELY outgunned at most banks.