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Everything posted by CeeFar

  1. CeeFar

    Ah did they end up removing it? Didn't see that my bad
  2. CeeFar

    I'm just curious, have you seen what DarkSide has done with their modpack?
  3. CeeFar

    Horrible shot with
  4. CeeFar

    Just wanted to say thankyou for the transparency, great to see.
  5. CeeFar

    Count me in :)
  6. CeeFar

    Haha this is awesome, well written, I love it - express your concerns and troubles without risk of starting a flame war. I've never seen someone so elegantly surmise what is the organised mayhem that is Altis Life, may we keep getting robbed and shot, and may those pesky drug dealers keep getting busted by the cops :)
  7. CeeFar

    That is literally the suggestion that you refuted above
  8. CeeFar

    You mean like not letting civs declare on cops in city limits?
  9. CeeFar

    that is true
  10. CeeFar

    If we could get some good YT content creators to make serious videos and then had serious moderation going on I think it could work well.
  11. CeeFar

    @Jacob Richardson @Augnov @Rhys Beckett I understand tensions are high from the incident yesterday but please can we try keep it civil and on course, we want to think of ways to change for the better, not flame each other for no real gain and allow a repeat to happen. Jacob - Mitch and Augnov wouldn't burn the place to the ground, they are both great leaders, I think the issue is more in the way information gets passed down to lower ranks. The simple fact is we don't have protests like these very often, usually when they do occur they end up turning violent. The issue is that the officers online weren't able to discern from actual RP and a cluster of civs with guns (which I agree is concerning). The current setup and environment on the server doesn't allow for a lot of the RP people are trying to do, I'm hoping that StrayaLife brings a new rework of in game mechanics that will allow for these things. Also, please avoid huge situations such as a "cop force reset". We've already had 2-3 of them and there is a lot of people who would be getting reset for the third time. It won't achieve much and a re-think of some officers in the Sgt-Constable area would have much more effect. It's not Augnov and Mitch that are the problem (as you are stating), it's the current systems that we have in place on cop that are allowing for shoddy training and bad habits to form. Augnov - Please try make sure what you are posting is relevant to the discussion and adds something, like I said I know tensions are high and everyone is pissed off at each other, but actual suggestions will get us further than snarky remarks Rhys - Same deal, keep it relevant and needed I acknowledge the fact that I'm obviously biased as a member of the APD command team, but I want to have an actual discussion, not an argument.
  12. CeeFar

    Some things that could help facilitate these changes - a shift away from sydney - more reb on reb combat - more things for cops to do independently. I agree the meta needs to change
  13. CeeFar

    Cop has just introduced Internal Affairs again, so hopefully these sorts of behaviours should be stamped out again. if you believe there are any cops simply playing for the money, feel free to PM me.
  14. CeeFar

    doooooon't hooooold baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
  15. CeeFar

    @Chadd Eggbert I think the best thing that came out of this was the rap battle.
  16. CeeFar

    Congratulations TrueBlue I hope you're used to lack of sleep :) Best of luck with MiniBlue
  17. CeeFar

  18. CeeFar

    Oh also @d0nk here's the second TSF mass run from a different perspective.
  19. CeeFar

    @d0nk I think If I go far back enough I'll have the video of everything exploding around me, that caused mental scars.
  20. CeeFar

    Your best bet is to submit a complaint form https://goo.gl/forms/6mq1EMYJylxChm3E2# OR join our teamspeak @ ts.straya.life and join the command lobby.
  21. CeeFar

    It got disbanded because you and your gang of negative trolls pressured everyone into it so bad, because god forbid people have a little bit of fun.
  22. CeeFar

    @LuckyB33f the idea of highway was to get more police outside city limits.
  23. CeeFar

    @Johno126 I'm sorry to hear your issues with police response times and whatnot. I'll try re-iterate what's already been said and add a little bit. You should in the coming weeks see improved responses and patrols from police outside city limits, the new department Highway patrol is just now kicking off. As for going 15km over the limit out of a gunfight, the fact you were given that ticket is somewhat ludicrous, and to adress your other point, yes - we are pretty much always swamped. It's very hard to get a breath of air when on patrol - Speeders - Gunfights - Banks - Hostage Situations - Medical RP and a host of other things that happen time to time, constantly one after the other. Like @Wex said, if you encounter these issues please report them to us.
  24. CeeFar

    @Nevetos Here's a piece of history for you
  25. CeeFar

    @sirgeneralj @d0nk both things in the one photo haha