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Posts posted by Volgograd

  1. Here's my two cents on an issue that's been bugging me for a while and quite a few people I play casually with or meet in the wasteland server,

    There are no current rules or guidelines in place for Stores. In wasteland its completely understandable that stores are hot spots for player activity, firefights and the occasional base or two. But I feel as if it's un-fair to have access to a store completely blocked off that isn't being used a base. Prime example and the reason for this post is the general store to the south of Camp Rogain is routinely blocked off to all outside access whilst Opfor and the vast array of firepower that accompany them lay waste to anyone that goes near. Now, I'm not saying that camping a store is unfair, even if the ratio of Opfor the Blufor is something like 5/10-20/30 in Opfors favour, but to have player majority like that, and have the resources of all the players pulled together, coupled with indies that like to do the same or lone wolfs who camp the stores make it very difficult for Blufor and Indie players to access the stores. The last part of those examples are something I feel shouldn't change because its a challenge to have to fight to get to a store but when you add those factors ontop of Opfor turning most of the Gun, General and vehicle stores into havens creates a very big gap in the rest of the servers ability to fight back. 


    In most wasteland servers I played on prior to A3 it was against most of the servers rules to build near a base so I don't feel as if what Im suggesting is something to big of a ask, just for non wasteland staff to consider implementing framework because trying to get geared up for half an hour to an hour because the majority of the stores are controlled does not make for a good experience if you don't join a large indie group or Opfor.

