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Posts posted by JoeBandit

  1. Hey all! Sorry if I missed this already being suggested.


    My group has played wasteland stratis a looot and tbh I think it gets a little bit old with the small size of the island and similar geography leading to a limited range of encounters. I think this is reflected in the drop in server activity over the time I have been playing.

    With Malden coming out for everyone this month I think it would be amazing if strayagaming added a Malden wasteland server, or even changed from running Stratis to Malden. I've been playing a Malden wasteland server using the release candidate and the new terrain is really good - a lot smnaller than Altis but a lot more varied than Stratis. And since Malden is coming free to everyone, you wouldn't lose some of the community like you would with a Tanoa server.

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  2. Yes I've read the recent threads and noted they were in the discussion forum rather than suggestions and possibly not getting attention from people who can make changes for that reason so created this one containing the two suggestions I feel are not going to nerf mortars into the ground but rather reduce the potential for what is almost an exploit (infinite rearming an AoE weapon that can hit the entire map for no cost).

  3. Hey all,


    I know it's not a new topic and admins might already be well aware and working on a change but mortar spam is really affecting me and my friends enjoyment of the server. When multiple people sit with a mortar and ammo truck and spam every gun store and territory, it is not fun at all because we get blown up almost inevitably and there's a lot of places they could be hiding.


    I would like to suggest the following simple changes, as have been suggested by others lately. Either change or both together would be effective at preventing mortar spam while not stopping the mortars from being some use.

    1. Prevent mortars from rearming at ammo trucks.
    2. Limit range to short.
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  4. Here's the fixes I'd like to see (and fixes are DEFINITELY required because it isn't fun for the entire rest of the server when the groups spam unlimited mortar fire at every territory for hours on end as has happened the last few nights):

    Add an artillery tracker feature as in real life - let us see the direction fire is coming from. Gives a good soft counter without nerfing too hard.


    Prevent mortars rearming - make them buy a new one each time. Means mortars are still powerful but they can't be spammed by groups for hours on end.

    or - as you said, remove long range fire. I have seen other wasteland servers do this and it worked well. Mortars basically had a 1km radius.

  5. I think the fortified gun stores completely make the game. It is great fun when your whole side joins up and assaults a position like that and manages to take it. As for hackers, I've honestly never seen anything sus in hundreds of hours in Strayas wasteland server.

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