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Posts posted by lentz

  1. I have a suggestion for arty, remove the fixed base arty scorcher/MLRS and add in a veteran slot for a Zamak MRL with a fixed range of 1700-2200m, and a once per AO respawn if destroyed, this forces the role to be close enough to an objective/AO to be at risk from enemy air assets and roaming  vehicles, also limits a ammo spam setup as it will have to re-position to get coverage across AO, possibly limit it to only service bay rearms from base or FOB as this would force it fire then head back to rearm, this would cause a slower re engage time then CAS. The current Arty gunner role is such a frustrating role as it require sitting at base waiting each AO to fire only 4 shots that don't even take out enemy armour with 2 direct hits (yes tested, had T140 lazed and called arty in as per CAS/ARTY request, then had to call in CAS airstrike anyway to take it out). I would love to hear others views on this, I did some testing with the zamak MRL and think would be supportive but not OP.

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