For those who don't understand the rules: Civilian Contractors
With the evolution of Life on Altis a new faction has arisen. Men, weary of War, and death, motivated by the enforcement of a moral code and law, of a kind, have stepped forward, and manipulated currency, logistics and the very nature of both. Civilian Contractors can engage in a variety of activities, but sit outside the ruleset for Rebel AND Cartel.
Civilan Contractors may NOT :-
Rob Bank
Rob Fed.
Commit any crimes not in the pursuit of their moral code.
They may :-
Be at Rebel 1 or 2, and use the Rebel Spawns/use a Rebel Licence.
Seek to search vehicles, kill lawbreakers under declaration, and pursure a roleplay narrative of there own shaping.
Perform Security checks and/or name checks to determine if transported items are illegal. This places them at odds with the Cartels, and Rebels, and in a loose treaty but NOT an alliance with the Police. The same as the Police tolerate and cooperate but still arrest the Cartel, Civilian Contractors are held to the same standards of Law, but due to a record of non Lawbreaking and adherence to the ruleset to an immaculate standard they are afforded some leniencies at the sole discretion of the Admins.
Civilian Contractors are able to : ID check for identification purposes - Confirm with people if person is wanted for hand over ( at no reward ) , search person and vehicle for contraband and or illegal items , weapons , vehicle etc.
Civilain Contractos MUST: Hand over all contraband material sezied from a search to police and must have supporting evidence to provide chain of evidence if reputation is brought into question. ( IE: Video / Screen Shots of Seized Gear , property etc )
Civilian Contractors may NOT seize or take from any players items for their own gain, but may escort players to be surrendered to Police, or inform Police that said players are being held awaiting Police apprehension. Civilian Contractors are businessmen, and posses a wide skillset ranging from self taught mercenary tactics, being ex military, whatever fits within the Roleplay.
No tolerance is given to them executing people for "lawbreaking", impeding the Cartels by going to one Drug Field, or using any proceeds of illegal runs done by themselves. They must only gain income from legal runs, but may use "Rebel" items to protect themselves and enforce their moral code, and keep themselves and the community safe.
Civilian Contractor is not playable unless you possess one of the 3 TS Channels that are under its Sub Section, you may be in another TS or channel
If at any time their RP is found to be failing, selfish, impacting on the Server they will have their group terminated at the discretion of the Server Admins in a unanimous decision. Before this happens they will receive a warning to amend their conduct and given one week to do so.
Civilian Contractors are not able to do any form of Police activity (fine/impound/seize for own use or gain), assist at Bank/Fed, be hired to be used as urban pacification agents, bounty hunt people for money (or surrender people for any form of reward). Civilian Contractors play and engage in activities for the love of the RP and narrative.
Civilian Contractors can be supplied with lenience in the ruleset, able to pilot vehicles inside airspace in cities, and afforded some discretion around things that advance their narrative. This is given as a Contract and posted in the RP section of the Forums for all to see. They may be, for example, able to deploy some weaponry to secure a HQ insdie a city, and must communicate all movements in and out. Police may instruct them in the way this is held to be acceptable (guns must be slung etc, limit calibres, any limiting is at Police discretion).
Seeking to remain in the good graces of the Law, Civilian Contractors will abide by both the ruleset for the Faction, which is the most stringent, and receive in turn some leeway for RP purposes. This may include anything deemed in balance, and in line with the narrative, eg sale to them of weaponry seized by the Police at reduced pricing, sale of other items, with some items deemed "Not for Sale", these will be listed below.
Tear Gas
Flash Bangs
Spike Strips
Any weapon that is Police only. Seized Rebel weaponry can be sold back, given that it is going to a trusted Civilian Contractor group and is NOT to be on sold. Rebel items may be purchased at profit from the Civilian Contractors. Given that the Police can purchase all of their weaponry at reduced proces this will be mainly Clothing items, and anything deemed suitable (Pistols, Balaclavas, Accessories/Silencers)