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Everything posted by Bow

  1. Bow

    I'll do anything for my fellow officer, even the poor pubslot that got taken hostage.. Didn't help my god damn phone kept turning off and i was laughing my ass off, had to make me sing at 12:30am damn you. I am literally suicidal after all this.
  2. Bow

    Love the chance to win, but which game? Hard choice.. I've always been a fan of Dead Rising and watched YT videos of it, getting rather fond of the series. With Kerbal Space Program, it is an amazing game which i'd love to check out. So Mr. DJ i'll let you play Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe and pick for me
  3. Bow

    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
  4. Bow

    William has came a long way
  5. Bow

    Also another idea to expand on this is to include clothing items or other inventory items? As these two tend to be more tedious to obtain in comparison to weapons. But maybe reduce those tocken prices a little mentioned above, or make Tokens easier to get rather than just infantry kills.
  6. Bow

    Just some little memes ive made and uploaded over the past few months on teamspeak, the ones im allowed to upload anyways If any are offensive to you let me know, otherwise ill be updating this list.
  7. Bow

    DLC: Tanks Why?: I can live without the Laws Of War DLC, i can definitely live without the Tac-Ops DLC. However, the Tank DLC is a neccesary and essential DLC for a players Arma 3 life, it as quite literally rolled into our Arma 3 experience; this very experience is a must have. Also i am broke as shit so fingers crossed dad
  8. Bow

    Just a little APD flexing https://imgur.com/a/Q1PJ8 And what happens when i try to run a gang https://imgur.com/a/gEvUm
  9. Bow

    Showing a good return, love to see more of as well as your growth and improvement continue. And George we seriously need to talk about your constant mis-spelling...
  10. Bow

    1+ Clueless at times (Nam flashbacks to detective house raids/Ops) but still represents good qualities of the APD and puts in good effort.
  11. Bow

    @officeladyjacob Love you bby, this is why you shouldnt show off your guns and betray my trust. I am a lovely and friendly officer but i can be very salty hah! Shame Jacobs reaction to me lying about the 700k bounty and it being 1.5mil+ wasnt recorded, or all the spam messages, pokes and texts But thanks for all the sups and weapons, couldnt of got them without ya buddy
  12. Bow

    Joined the Strayagaming clan as i dont want to get my account banned for hacks, soz Wizzy :P
  13. Bow

    his fully loaded
  14. Bow

    // ACCEPTED // Congratulations And Welcome Back To The APD -Name Has Been Changed To Valkyr-
  15. Bow

    Oh and heres another map vote, wonder if thoughts have changed in 2018 Youll see the same old arguement for Tanoa but Malden might stand a chance.
  16. Bow

    // Pending Please come and see an Academy Officer in the Academy Channel on TeamSpeak for a interview. (ts.straya.life)
  17. Bow

    You were issued with a black list on the 5th of January with a 1 month wait before appeal, you will be able to appeal on the 5th of February. If you would like to contact me i more than urge you to so we may discuss your blacklist, however your appeal with be denied. The reason for this appeal being denied is the limited information and/or effort provided as well as the fact you must wait a month before placing an appeal. I suggest contacting me prior to you placing a new appeal after the 5th of February so we may discuss your blacklists and improvements to your appeal.
  18. Bow

    Due to the lack of information and effort not being sufficent enough for your blacklist appeal to be accepted, it will be denied. However i do encourage you to place another appeal with more information and details. If you want to further discuss your appeal or have any questions to the matter feel free to contact me on teamspeak.
  19. Bow

    // ACCEPTED // WELCOME BACK TO THE APD Sadly no one else commented, and this is late but oh well
  20. Bow

    The one night you werent left the 'trueblue' and now you have a mini you, congrats!
  21. Bow

    Back when VIP actually got you something in game rip, cheers B.I.
  22. Bow

    // Pending Please come and see an Academy Officer in the Academy Channel on TeamSpeak for a interview. (ts.straya.life)
  23. Bow

    // Pending Please come and see an Academy Officer in the Academy Channel on TeamSpeak for a interview. (ts.straya.life)
  24. I am unsure if this has been discussed prior but i have two interesting ideas that could be added on a small scale to build on AO/Side dynamics through the introduction of ROEs (Rules Of Engagement) that need to be considered before flattening everything inside a AO/Side. 1. Introduction of free roaming Civilian AI on foot, in vehicles, and/or in helicopters and planes. I understand that this would generate the possibility of more lag on the server but implementing this on a smaller scale either with the max of 10-20 Civilian AI on the map, respawned with every new AO or even have them attatched near the AO for when a new AO spawns, Civilians will spawn around it as well. Its possible and would add the aspect of Civilian casualties and the oppertuunity to punish or stat track players who kill these Civilians, adding a extra a new depth to the mode of I&A. 2. Introduction of building destruction penalties. This would be harder to implement but a deterrence for blowing up literally the whole town/city would be different. Almost every AO i go to, Bluefor forces leave it just about fully destroyed. If we can add this to every AO or maybe a select few AOs than this would be a massive game changer. And if every building is too extreme, than enforce penalties for high value buildings such as hospitals, churches, construction sites, ATC buildings, solar towers ect. These penalties can be applied after the completion of the AO or even as a side objective. I am unsure about the nature of these penalites or even adding them as side objectives for the AO as there are already so many, but something like this would be a great idea to add and would further mix up the dynamics of the mode and how players take on a AO. I would love for these ideas to be discussed in the comments and hopefully considered by the developers. Even if this can be introduced on a small scale to 1/4 of the AO/Side missions i do believe that it would add a nice change in the mode and make it necessary for players to not only consider what they are shooting and blowing up, but also get players to read their mission briefs.
  25. Bow

    I Is BlinD