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Status Replies posted by Bow

  1. ADF and applying.
    If anyone has previous service in the ADF or has been through the application process past the point of assessment day please contact me :D

    1. Bow


      Yeah i just finished assessment day the other week and im up to the officer selection process of the application. Nothing was mentioned for swimming but i think im all g in that :D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Just an everyday patrol with the APD


    1. Bow


      Keksva was the guy in the red SUV, and the jeep driver was Susej who died which in turn killed Joel and left me on the ground half dead haha

      Backstory was that i hit Joel and i jumped out to make sure he was ok and have some QUALITY roleplay but you can see what happened after that.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)
