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Posts posted by Bow

  1.        // Denied //

    To reinforce the previous decision by my seniors, you appeal has been denied. 

    As previously stated, please submit your application for appeal on the 12/1/2018 onwards, as your application can not be reviewed with in the month of being removed. 

    Thank you.

  2. //DENIED//

    Your appeal has been denied for the following reasons:

    1. Due to your previous rank being faded out, there is no rank to restore you too. However this discipline will not impede your progression to senior ranks. 

    2. You have taken more than 14 days to place an appeal.

    3. After review by Cabinet and Third Parties, it has been found that with your previous experience the negligence of the civilian in police custody to respond to another situation was not acceptable.

    4. The way you handled being served your discipline was not befitting of your rank or an officer as experienced as yourself.

    5. Previous punishment for the same issue have been served exactly the same, and as such to continue consistency and fairness each officer is to be held to the same punishment.

  3. The checkpoints are just a place for cops and rebels too fight over, it is never manned by any police divisions. I do not think they should be moved, just expanded to promote their use. 

    As Zorgain said, the APD can use placeables for little RBTs but this still doesnt beat a fully operational and manned checkpoint.

  4. CPU: Intel i5 @ 2.90GHz, not overclocked cause dont like my potatos fried
    GPU: GeForce GTX 470
    RAM: Good old 6GB
    Power Supply: A powerpoint
    Cooling System: I don't know, just some fans and shit
    Case: HP Pavillion HPE
    Storage: 1x 250gb 960 evo m.2 from samsung, 1x 275gb sata from crucial, 1x 2tb dunno what brand, 1x 1tb from who knows
    Keyboard: Vintage HP 2010 wireless made in China, with a broken slash and page down key
    Mouse: Office works 2013 wireless also made in China mouse
    Monitor: Some shitty Acer moniterthe size of like two A4 papers
    OS: OG Windows 7
    Headset/Speakers/Mic: A wonderful 3 year old skype headset 
    Extras: I have a nice desk and chair!


    :kkool:Rate My Setup:kkool:

    • kkool 1

  5. Tests for licenses is another thing i saw on another server but for a good place to start add in what nclem recommended would be great, having to click a 'yes i have read the rules' is useful thing to avoid the excuse of " i didn't know the rules"

    • Like 1

  6. Questions! :D 

    Will the new jet DLC be included in the jet shops?
            Id gather all the jets would be unarmed but will they have less fuel? ( to prevent the extreme us of trolling )

    Where will the court house be moved?
            It really should stay some where in syd, maybe by the beach or something.

    Will cop force training include 10-codes, escalation and better roleplay?

            I've been avoiding long sessions as cop lately as it has turn to slack for me, gear is no longer rank specific so we have cops abusing or having no clue how to handle it. What even are 10-codes anymore? Don't hear them. And escalations and role play need to be worked on cause i see to many cops tasering or shooting in situations that can be defused easily by a little chase for a restrain or using something called a mic. Ramming and speeding is becoming popular again in all ranks and to many officers are to trigger happy and don't facilitate for roleplay situations very well. Cop is a lot more fun but too lose from what I've experienced, cracking down a bit was the point in demoting and restarting the APD.

    Whats the fate of westpack?

           Will this bank be moved to the outskirts of syd or fully moved to another area?

  7. Wasteland on Tanoa would be good however wouldnt be the most popular server you guys will be hosting due to everyone not having the DLC or simply not enjoying wasteland on that map, if this is true and it turns out like this it will impact the server population even more since it is such a large map ( Large map + Low pop = Little combat )

    However if you include enough vehicles, base building aspects and missions then that might make up for the reduced player combat over the large map, or even have 'zones' that players and factions can control but make it more rewarding to encourage players to stay close or to converge on that area. 

  8. The police HMG is no longer effective so its almost pointless to use in a fed situation. As a cop myself i can say that i very rarely see cops logging in and responding or purpose use of this in a strategy. I think the whole " 10min rule " is just going to make the whole situation more difficult. Correct me if im wrong but wasnt there a rule where if you were not online or lost connection you could NOT respond? This keeps cops a constantly responding or rebels from coming in from now where behind cops. in summary i think we keep things the way they are or change the rule to if you die in the situation, lost connection during or connect during engagement you should not be allowed to respond at all.

    Summary, keep the rule like it is or fully stop people from responding.

    • Like 1

  9. 37 minutes ago, Mitch096 said:


    Ramming can work - just as long as the rule states that "heavy vehicles i.e. Striders, Hunter, trucks CANNOT ram light vehicles i.e all helis & boats, SUVs, Hatchbacks. Ramming can only be established if it is light vehicle against light vehicle or heavy against heavy."



    I support implementing ramming however this needs to be taken into consideration and the ramming of heli's. And also i dont think dysc ramming should be allowed because that results in death for one or both parties

  10. 18 hours ago, Red said:

    Tanoa life has been cut for now, there is currently no plan on working on it. We have other projects that we are focussing on in the new year.

    I haven't removed the channels because it's going to be re-purposed, so until then I was planning on just leaving it. However, I'll alter the channels to avoid confusion in the future.

    Alright thats made clear now, and through it would be good bringing that stuff to someones attention to avoid that confusion. 

  11. This isn't a terrible idea, this would be a great  new experience and would solve a lot of issues mentioned however

    I see two issues that need to be addressed, first being how the money is going to be divided up into the 3 factions. Will players get to choose which faction will keep the main account? And what other issues could come from making 3 separate data bases and creating all this movement.

    Second issue i see is this wont really stop players from having access to all their money across the 3 factions as they can have all their money on civ, give a desired amount to someone, switch over and then get the money back. Also the starting money is 250k last i heard and that can be taken from 2/3 factions to your main one so that makes for a instant 500k cash.

    If this can be worked around ill support this idea.
