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Jacob Hart

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Jacob Hart last won the day on July 15 2016

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About Jacob Hart

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  1. Jacob Hart

    the whole experience was very enjoyable. The AInc could have lined us up and shot us cartel style and I still would have had fun. (:
  2. Jacob Hart

    I am Jacob Hart and i am new to the StrayaGaming servers, and have had a experience like no other i have had online. Soon after logging into the world i had come across a drug smuggler, who had offered two of my friends and I a job smuggling Heroin across the country with him for a %50 profit that was split between us. Being noobs and eager to get ahead of ourselves we accepted without hesitation. Unfortunately for us we were unaware of the AINC that do constant patrols over Altis and do cargo checks on whatever they can find for obvious reasons, like us. We had received a message from above telling us to halt the convoy and lay down any firearms we may be carrying, so we did. Their helicopter lands and they form a defensive perimeter around us and from what i could tell the leader 'stalker' had greeted us with a quite clear voice and simple instructions to which we followed for real life fear of being caught in a virtual game. I had legitimately felt FEAR, ANXIETY, STRESS and SWEATED at how organized and intimidating these men were. All i can say to those out there who take the decision to smuggle drugs lightly, just keep in mind that the ARMA version of Seal Team Six is out there.. And they are watching.