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Posts posted by Blighty

  1. And as @Tiggati was saying, cops get RDMed everyday, I lose about 1-1.5mill a day having to regear and rearm it gets annoying after awhile, I can't even impound a car with out getting shot or Attempted kidnaped, All these gangs take over the city and we can't even leave the base without gettin shot, it's starting to become annoying so it's a bit fair what the admins are doing because in the long run it'll help everyone not just certain people and it'll make the community much more enjoyable 

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  2. Okay. So the other night I was patrolling with @Marc_R on a routine patrol around Altis when we rolled up on some rebels as garage, having Marc in the car ( Doing his Admin stuff he needed to ) they tried to rob us, Marc then told them to stand down as he was doing admin stuff, they then started to Abuse Marc because he was as they said " abusing his powers " which I think that without admins the server wouldn't be running, but point being people need to start treating admins with respect as they are what keep the server running on a daily basis. 


    My Opinion on this

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