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Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

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Posts posted by Spetsnaz AKA Andrew

  1. True its rare to see the cap out there player count but even if you had 2 lives, If you loose you just have to respawn at a new location.. like melb pd, re gear re call srt. Im pretty sure axle said he was looking at removing resistance rp so i dont think cops should need more then 2 lives to defend checkpoint 1 from rebles.

    Out side of SRT rebels have the upper hand...

    During SRT police have a stupid high upper hand not only in lives but in equipment as well. You tried to fight a hunter HMG? That aint fun.

    Ever not brought a gass helm to a fight. That aint fun.

    Ever tryed hiding in a building and copping flash grenade?? That aint fun.


    When is the last time rebels have won a SRT and police had to leave syd??


    There was a issue brought up by axel last night about police returning to the same combat location during SRT after being killed. NLR still applys in a sense during SRT but police seem to ignore this rule and return to the same location using the knowledge of there previous life.

  2. right off the bat before i bring up certain rules.

    I think the biggest issues with the rules is the way they are actually worded. 
    For instance having one admin who interprets the rules differently to another clearly means that it is not worded in a easy to read manner.

    ***Example***  Being told i cant shoot a police officer who has retreated into safe zone after being declared on by myself out side of the safe zone. Then to find out that i can shoot him, obviously the exception being if he has retreated into a police station or enters the 150m safe zone near a police station.

    There currently are many rules about rebels in safe zones and police in safe zones but there is no mention as to where a civilian or cartel member can retreat  to so they can escape combat.

    The rules in place currently are very one sided in favor of the police, now before i continue i am not silly.... I understand that rebels have a clear fire superiority and there needs to be a balance to help the police actually do there job. BUT increasing limits on police required to do bank and fed and capping gangs to only ever having 15 online at a time isn't a solution.
    A good solution to help the police would be to increase the timer between fed and bank so they have to breath and reset before having to go again.
    Think of it like this if SP do bank that is probly 45 to 1h of action the police have to deal with. they have less then 30 mins as most would die have to respawn re gear and ow look at that NTR are doing fed now.. this load is to much to handle for PD. I spoke to police about the main issues they face and no time to actualy play a cop is the main problem as they are always responding.
    now this isnt SP and NTR's problem as for us it is 1-2h between bank and fed for us. so we 

    Currently PD's player limit is set at 25 members, where a rebel gang is set at 15 members. that's a huge difference..
    If the police are to call SRT at any stage that essentially means it is 75 vs 15. we might as well rename SRT to one sided fistfights.
    Pd has a huge advantage during this time frame with vehicle use as well.

    rebels should be able to force medics to revive and heal during combat, first and foremost they are a rebel! and if the medic is dumb enough not to hide that is his fault.
    I feel that police should be able to revive during combat after 2 mins of no shot fired and go through the process of RP to return as well.

