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Bobby Jones

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Posts posted by Bobby Jones

  1. On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 10:34 PM, LuckyB33f said:

    Cop shouldn't be about making money... cop is about the experience... if you are playing cop to make money then they are getting paid to much...

    If some now joins as a cop... all of their money is useless... they can only buy public slot items same as medics... they already have something blocking them from really trying out cop... as they rank up they unlock better  stuff theyll have more money some thinga maybe cheaper...

    Civ have their crafting and money making to cause stuff

    Medics well medica need more stuff be that is in the works

    Beef I agree cop shouldn't be about making money  but to have that experience you need money every time I need to regear as cop it cost around 85k that's a bit if your going to spilt our money across the three factions also a lot of cops have around 10mil and if I'm right 10mil split between three is 2.5mil per faction this money will run out fast if you are in pol air  or die a few times or even buying a boat. most will  disagree but I think who ever is whitelisted on cop should just get all there money on cop then if they want there money spilt go up to helpdesk and get a admin to transfer some money over


  2. 47 minutes ago, Zorgain said:

    I don't really think people like to roleplay hardcore I go on civ and try roleplay with people and they either walk away or just don't talk back. I tried to get a permit off the police last night and I kept getting tazed when asking for a higher up, Maybe if police station isn't so much of a illegal area to walk into but if you are seen trolling and driving around in there for no reason you can be shot or tazed??? And was also coming close to a ban apparently for "Baiting Cops" when I was roleplaying to make a movie and drift with @Reaperz and a lot of TPing to us to make sure we were not doing anything wrong, It kinda felt like Wasteland or something. - My Input

    I agree with the pd part as in real life you are allowed in side a police station sure maybe not at the garage or in the command office but getting tazed for walking in what should be a safe haven isn't really rp half the time its a pub slot dealing with you and 90% don't know how to Rp as cop and just taze or restrain you

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  3. On ‎9‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 1:51 PM, Exodius said:



    S.A.D: change texture on police had to say S.A.D and change the suit to black and white as they are detectives could also make people in S.A.D be able to buy all civ clothes and vehicles + shemags


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    but apart from that


    # different uniforms for whitelisted looks same as pub slot uniform

    # make coast guard an actual thing

    # make prison guard a thing   (make reaper warden)

    # maybe be able to apply to S.A.D/S.R.T


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