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Everything posted by Eis3nheim

  1. Eis3nheim

    Roleplay Reason behind War (25 Words): Jay offered to tell me the location of Brodies house for 250k, so i payed and he gave me a false location. I then proceeded to declare on Jay eliminated him, furthermore members of the Firm crew decided to attack myself and Bogan_Autopsy without declaration, but that is ok. They died! They then proceeded to trap me in my house yet I stood victorious. After this little events occurred through out the day and every time they winged and moaned, as for that i want to initiate a gang war. Declaring Gang [The Company] Leader: Eis3nheim Members: all my members will have tags aswell as be in the Arma version of a squad. [1] Gang Being Declared On [Firm] Leader: alpaca Members: FLuuffyBunny, Brodie, Riley, s01derb0y360, TS hacked, they were unable to provide a full list. [2] Gang Being Declared On [Militia] Leader: Jay, Thug Angel Members: Tiggati, denis, Excel, DR499, Trigger_Happy, xXAnarchyXx, TS hacked, they were unable to provide a full list.
  2. Eis3nheim

    would you like me to re-post their?
  3. Eis3nheim

    Thanks j17
  4. Eis3nheim

    SGLauncher SGL - More to follow. SGL - Pre Release Pictures SGL - Pictures (Released 02-12-2015) ====================== ====================== SGL - Download SGL - 0.0.01 (Released ??-12-2015) ====================== - [0.0.01]: [Launcher] LINK (Eis3nheim) - open. ====================== SGL - Change Log SGL - 0.0.01 (Released ??-12-2015) [View Issues] ====================== - [0001]: [Launcher] Initial Release (Eis3nheim) - open. ======================
  5. Eis3nheim

    The one who stands out is the one who the community will respect and trust for this role. Let the community decide over time instead of one decisive moment with a poll. It will be less damaging to give it time instead of voting a commissioner in then later finding out that are not suitable for the role. Let time decide.
  6. Eis3nheim

    For those who are finding the compensation request form is an inconvenience, stick with it. In a few days to a week a simpler way of doing this is being released at the discretion of one; myself.
  7. Eis3nheim

    how about instead of vote and delegate the role, why not be patient and see who stands out as a good leader for the role?
  8. Eis3nheim

    So recently a whole lot of crap has been going on. Really Starting to piss people off. Although on the positive side of things i hear that the development team is going to be releasing an update with custom vehicles, etc? Any chance you might inform us, the people of strayagaming what it is that you will be changing so we can look forward, understand what is expect. Will the problems occurring now be fixed within the mission file of things? It would be nice to know