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Everything posted by Bleachtastesgood

  1. Bleachtastesgood

    not so much mitch mate, more the vdm, and the greatttt push
  2. Bleachtastesgood

    rip sniping
  3. Bleachtastesgood

    wanna spawn us some m320s before ya leave? ahhaha jokes man sad to see you go but hope you keep playing, missing seeing a random SP member 2 ks away from bank/fed and always knowing if my heart its leo
  4. Bleachtastesgood

    Navid MW2 Perth Wasteland Lachlan
  5. Bleachtastesgood

    1. MK1 EMR 2. MW2 3. NSW 4. Arma koth (king of the hill 5. Snowwie?
  6. Bleachtastesgood

    if we disconnect our mouses we would probably still win....
  7. Bleachtastesgood

    mine for sure