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Cannan Ashala

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Posts posted by Cannan Ashala

  1. 17 minutes ago, Leopard said:

    Glad to have a new member joining the community. 




    Ensure you read the rules carefully as to sucha point where you understand them 100%. They are there to guide players to having a good time. 


    Any questions, come see me or another member of staff on teamspeak or private message on the forums. 


    Most importantly. Have fun!


    - Leopard

    Altis Life Administrator

    Most importantly. have fun! okay I shall remember that while I'm reading the rules 

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  2. hey guys I'm Cannan or nick which ever you please I played on your altis life server on my friends computer and I decided to look to see if there was a website to go with such a good server and after about an hour of looking for it only to find out it was really the first link I clicked on I signed up and now I'm doing this introduction thing but enough of that more about me I live in Sydney NSW I'm 24 I live with my GF and roommates I work as at a bar making all sorts of fun "adult drinks" and when I'm not working spending time with my gf or SLEEPING because sleep is like my second gf I will be spending as much time on the altis life server as I can

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