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About Dabs_01

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  1. Dabs_01

    Yeah I def like this idea, I always feel sorry for the pilots who crash with a full load of guys onboard...so many TK messages all of a sudden and you just know that 90% of the time it's not the pilot's fault.
  2. Dabs_01

    Cheers, enjoying it so far, forgot how accurate enemy AI can be lol
  3. Dabs_01

    Hi all, I used to be a regular on I & A pretty much, spent, roughly, a good 940+ of my 992 hrs of A3 in I & A and easily 900+ of those hrs in Strayagaming's server. I just got gifted Tanoa, so I'm back from my hiatus to kill more bad guys again and practice on Altis I & A (I'm rusty af atm).
  4. Dabs_01

    I was just gifted Tanoa today, and the first thing I did was (re)sign up here to see if I & A were possible. Spent a good many hours on the Strayagaming servers in Altis doing I & A, may have to get back in and see wassup/practice (pretty rusty).