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Johan Becconsall

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Everything posted by Johan Becconsall

  1. Johan Becconsall

    Hello everyone! I thought I'd come over here and have a poke around to see what's what. I've always been a fan of Arma, but have never played it a great deal. I used to play a bit of Domination in Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, but that seemed to fall out of favor when everyone started playing Wasteland and the like. Only now have I decided to rummage around and see if Arma III had something similar on offer, whereupon I found this server (An Australian server that people actually play on? whaat?) I'm getting into being a pilot a bit when it's relatively quiet; despite my lack of practise and such the other pilots have all been supportive of my flailing - If you get into a heliplopter with me you're taking your life and rolling the dice. Usually though, I prefer to fly planes (sadly, one cannot get the CAS Buzzard) Another enjoyable past-time with my friends in regards to Arma Co-op is to run the "Militia" where me and anyone else who wishes to denegrate themselves load up on trash gear, get into trash vehicles and generally make a mess of the NATO forces' carefully planned operations whilst trying to help. It's actually good fun to set aside all the fancy gadgets, air support, armored vehicles and military slang and just fight to liberate your homeland like a bunch of weekend soldiers (granted, this made a lot more sense in Takistan). I'm curious if people might want to make this a unofficial Thing. In respect to the fact that this is an introduction thread; My name is Johan Becconsall in game as in life. I am 30 and am Lead 3d Artist and Director at a company called Lightweave, who specialise in VR. I was born in Portsmouth, England, and grew up in the Netherlands,but have lived in Brisbane most of my life. So you might see me on the I&A server, pootling around in jeeps or trying very hard not to fail at planing.
  2. Johan Becconsall

    Thank! I hope I enjoy my stay too... [/needless foreboding]