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Everything posted by NS24

  1. Hello fellow Straya Gamers. As you can see by the title I'm looking for a few players to run with on I&A (Also started playing King of the Hill recently, very fun) Bit about my self, I am 21 years old, like to play FPS/ Third person games (Shooter, RTS, also like trying out new games), I like to play I&A seriously but not too series if you know what I mean and would like to check out some user made scenarios from the Steam Workshop. Sorry if this is a little messy, wrote it as fast as I can. If you're interested to play some I&A, King of the Hill and maybe some other game modes/missions just reply to this or add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/NS247
  2. NS24

    @webnebular Wow, that sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. I see "ULTRASQUAD" on I&A all the time (mostly see you guys doing side missions). I like to have fun while playing but when it comes down to series time I can play tactical as well. I don't enjoy playing alone so a full squad of players that know what they are doing is just the thing I need. I am not the best Arma player out there but most of my 140 hours in Arma have been spent on I&A and I know all the basics. If I am required to wear a badge to join that doesn't bother me.
  3. NS24

    @Slepwakeat Sweet I'll send you a FR.
  4. NS24

    @SirPetri No worries. We will squad up whenever I see you guys on Arma 3. I could be on today and possibly on the weekend as well.
  5. NS24

    @InfamousNova That sounds good mate. I'm online a few times a week, will probably be on tonight as well. Send me a friend request on steam or link your profile and I'll send you a FR. http://steamcommunity.com/id/NS247
  6. NS24

    @Travesty Thanks!
  7. NS24

    @Travesty Thanks for all that info! I will definitely keep an eye out for those side missions and let others know on the side channel. As for the Strya Gaming TeamSpeak, I found it a bit hard to use (I could just be doing something wrong). I joined the Pilots channel once when I was piloting on I&A but there was no sound and I wasn't sure if others could hear me. Seen plenty of other groups/channels, just wasn't sure which one is for I&A (not Piloting).
  8. NS24

    Damn, will still be at work. Do they go on for the whole night, or just 1 or 2 hours?
  9. NS24

    Thanks, so the next one will be on Friday-time?
  10. NS24

    Sounds good I'm in, can be Auto Rifleman or Medic. BTW is this still only on Friday nights?
  11. NS24

    I've seen a few Youtubers create new/different missions in I&A through Zeus for players to try out. Here's one just as a example: https://youtu.be/Q-7CxLEfjqc I was wondering if StrayaGaming I&A servers do anything similar to this, or is it the same mission over and over (Capture HQ, take a certain area/town? It would be great to have some different missions/base designs to try out.
  12. NS24

    Ok cool. Do you have any idea of when they do these kinds of missions, weekends, Friday nights? Haven't really seen any yet.