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Everything posted by Brodie0296

  1. Brodie0296

    altis life never ceases to amaze me
  2. Brodie0296

    almost kinda painful to watch, they may as well just stepped on it with how close the barriers where haha
  3. Brodie0296

    would defiantly make the CAS spawn look much more like a part of the base, was always wondering why we had a basketball court and weights but no decorations near CAS.
  4. Brodie0296

    mines JESUS from the most popular site called THE BIBLE! this is a serious website and i expect you to treat it as such
  5. Brodie0296

    Pretty much all i have to say about this is that while it would make more sense in a realism server this kinda isn't one, if it was things like the remote designator and darter drone would be available to marksman and sniper for recon purposes. I tend to see this server as almost a more advanced version of battlefield, people choosing what weapons they like to use but with a hint of "oh shit the role i want is taken better just make the most of it while i wait for an open slot" also usually in military's the whole marksman "DMR" role isn't a huge deal like games usually make it, pretty much its just given to the best shot in either the section or platoon, they dont really receive specialist training, the school of infantry in Australia trains rifleman to shoot accurately up to 500 meters depending on what scopes they feel like handing out.
  6. Brodie0296

  7. Brodie0296

    FOB Kekistan FOB PEPE FOB Shadilay
  8. Brodie0296

    This would look good on the blackfoot
  9. Brodie0296

    Big fan of the idea of the cool flashy camo for the jets, maybe some unit orientated ones as well, surprised no ones suggested blue angel skins for them. Also maybe some SASR rugged camo for the prowlers, but they dont get used alot so low priority
  10. Brodie0296

    Attention passengers this is your captain speaking, we'd like to welcome you aboard flight (whatever number) to (where ever), we'd like to also thank you for choosing kekistan airways, we know you have a choice and you have chosen the dankest, now sit back, relax and listen to shadilay
  11. Brodie0296

    Ice cream truck skin for the MRAPS for the lels, Australia has some pretty cool designs on the search and rescue choppers and the wespac scheme could go well with the hellcat, little bird even the mowhawk........And maybe the kekistan flag for insignia for the dank memes.
  12. Brodie0296

    Bunnings warehouse uniform skin.........Then we shall fight for the snags of freedom
  13. Brodie0296

    More reasonable then just saying no one can come in, you're forgetting about the people that argue without logic that somehow have power in this country, you have to make a rational decision but present it in a way that all the dibshits agree, also Centrelink is really hard to stay on, I know because I needed to be on it while I studied and got **** all from my job, and also huge drinking culture? I think it's pretty much the same as the UK's in a sense and please America kinda beats us with the whole wait until 21 to drink so they either drink underage and over do it because they can't or wait til they're 21 and over do it because they've never drunk before (also this is just debating right? No hard feelings between eachother?)
  14. Brodie0296

    Again I am aware of all of this, I've been told about all of it ever since I was young, but you see there are well over 1.8 billion of them now so it would be close to impossible to take apart a religion that big, so the only way around it is to make a mandatory assimilation program for people to know the Australian way and follow it, not change our lives to suit their needs, we follow it strict enough then less would want to come here, action does need to be taken but it needs to be done smartly, like Pauline Hanson has some good points but she presents it in the wrong way
  15. Brodie0296

    Personally I think there should be more screening into such things, was kinda going off the 2013 FBI statistic of 200-300 million extreamists in the whole religion of 1.8 billion, what really should happen is if you get placed on a terror watch list either get sent back to their country of origin or be watched very closely by police and let them do their job, if anything the growing radicalisation comes from schools and where ever that has contact with children
  16. Brodie0296

    think a more accurate way of saying it would be you have 180 mnm's and 15-20 of them are poisonous, you eat them and get a poison one, you get better and sue the company for having poison mnm's but they reply with why change? not all of them are bad. which is true, not all are bad but the ones that are do alot of harm
  17. Brodie0296

    Even through thermals its not hard to ID friendlies, it pretty much comes down to movement, does it look like scripted formations with not much moving : enemy , does it move around alot and independent firing positions :friendly
  18. Brodie0296

    It's just one of those things, If you choose to wear all CSAT and AAF uniform you gotta accept the fact you're gonna get TK'd from time to time, besides kinda stops people from being lazy and not identifying targets
  19. Brodie0296

    This, This is beautiful. Someone needs to sync this up with some primary school arts festival style music, or just host a game show called I&A got talent
  20. Brodie0296

    I kinda liked the first one but kinda lost interest after the single player was incredibly short then charged $70 for DLC, if they change their business model for this one i might consider buying it
  21. Brodie0296

    I feel very welcomed and accepted, memes always bring people together, besides FOB BIN CHICKEN : Sinkin Tins, Smashin Bins
  22. Brodie0296

    Doing it in groups could make it easier to choose for names, i like it.
  23. Brodie0296

    Do it PUBG style? everyone starts unarmed and there is a few creates in the FOB with handguns in them
  24. Brodie0296

    FOB FORTHEBOIS FOBNOVA, that gives me an idea, what if we had a community challenge where the winner gets the FOB named after them?
  25. Brodie0296

    Would it be possible to suggest new names for the FOBS? maybe even have a community vote for the names?