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Posts posted by Samayueren

  1. 4 hours ago, sirgeneralj said:

    I heard someone mention the bug was fixed however I am unsure whether or not this is true :D

    I mentioned that it was fixed. and found out the next day it broke again

  2. wrecks are currently bugged.

    To search a shipwreck you need underwater blasting charges to blow it open.
    Then you can search it.

    Until the bug is rectified i am unsure if you can access these.

  3. I blame the kiwis

    Just now, ʝ17 said:

    Defiantly not my sheep mate, to the farmer who lost them I hope they where taken back home, or maybe fell out of the truck on route to the slaughter house..?


  4. I would have the task as a hand in, If it is a revive there are things you can do to exploit a faster revive as well as it being based on frame rates it is more advantageous to those with a faster pc.
    Perhaps use an area other than the hospitals that way you can park more than one bird there. other than that the idea looks good man.

    • Like 1

  5. bodies automatically delete after a certain period of time (can not confirm numerical data on this)

    there could be a change to the spawn cycle in which loot that is  x distance from a player will despawn until a player re enters the area.

  6. Its always a bit hit and miss with older games.
    We used to have exile but due to lack of updates that disappeared fast.
    The server regularly hits over 100 people so it isn't too far outside the realm of possibilities to find someone.

    • Like 1

  7. A huge thank you to all those involved in the events.
    Spectral and the boys have put a huge amount of effort into each of these events and deserve a huge round of applause

    /// Insert cheering crowds here ///


    Thanks guys and keep up the work

  8. Four hours would be the maximum you could go without really disrupting wasteland play too much. (refer to the mines topic)
    Scheduled restarts are important in the function however we also need to consider why the servers are getting laggy.
    If we can find what the issues are that cause the lag we can hopefully address them. Be it database lag or server lag due to a particular object not agreeing with the server.

    If you find something in particular is causing lag do not hesitate to bring it up to the staff.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Roger Purple said:

    How would when someone donates to a server it comes up in game?

    It would be a email based thing as arma doesn't have that current connection.
    Eg donator has been confirmed, the donation would send an email to the server and then server would take the details and sent it to the admin message.
    a fair bit of coding for it
