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Posts posted by Samayueren

  1. 350 Fahrenheit is 175 Celsius, for a fan forced oven reduce the temp by ten degrees or you'll burn your cookies.


    For those who don't know. Kosher salt is a large sized almost like rock salt  product.  its not as common in Australia (American recipe) and can be substituted for 1 1/2 teaspoons of table salt.

  2. 11 hours ago, NightWing said:

    Basic, but i tip my hat to you for actually putting in a recipe.

    Good Day

    I'm a food nutritional science uni student and it amazes me how many people can't gook something filling and healthy.

    Its pretty simple to make and almost impossible to screw up.

  3. A serious recipe.
    The measurements are rough due to it being a matter of taste..

    What you need at a bare minimum.
    Tomato's. Home grown work best due to the flavour. Depending on your tomato's about five medium sized tomato's. You can add or take to get a more tomato y flavoured sauce.
    Onion. One medium sized onion will do the trick. Both red and brown onion work for this recipe.
    Butter. About two tablespoons salted works better
    Oil, i use olive oil but each to their own.
    Cream, about 200 ml
    Plain flour, About a tablespoon depending on you thickness

    Most importantly. PASTA.
    And whatever meat you want to cook and stir though, meatballs, chicken lamb all work. Even chorizio and spiced sausages.

    in a deep frying pan melt butter and add the oil. Cut the tomato's and onion into small pieces and add to melted butter.
    Stir until the tomato's start to lose their liquid and become soft.
    Wait until the sauce starts to boil.
    Add the cream and any meat you want to add to the dish.
    depending on how you want your pasta sauce is how much flour you add. if you want it nice and runny don't add any.
    If you like your pasta sauce nice and thick add up to a table spoon.
    Stir through pasta and serve hot.


    Thats how to make a nice meal on a uni student budget. Its filling and its on the healthy side. It takes ten minutes to make and reheats pretty well.


    Thats tonight's cooking with Sam, Until next week

    Sam out.

  4. FrozenByte studios has produced a new game that will get cheaper as the community plays the demo.

    The game Shadwen that started at sixty dollars has already dropped to 25 dollars with the points at 1,354,780.
    The points are capped at 99,999,999,999 which makes you wonder how low it will go?
    For those interested in playing the demo and reading more you can follow the links below.
    Have fun and enjoy


    • Like 1

  5. The rebels from when the whitelist is added will require to be white listed to buy extra weapons and vehicles with a ranking structure similar to police

    6 hours ago, Nippleez said:

    What are whitelisted rebels? and how are they different to the rebels that are already in game?


  6. Hi guys Sam here.
    I'm looking for expressions of interest for people interested in entering the competitive scene from a variety of games. these are not all pc exclusive keep that in mind.


    Dota 2
    League of Legends
    Counter strike: Global Offensive
    Starcraft 2
    World of tanks
    Black Ops 3
    halo 5
    Rainbow six Siege


    There will be other games included.

    Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.



  7. There is the issue of people not being able to have fun when the gun shop just constantly get bombarded by the air superiority.
    perhaps consider a no bomb rule on the gun store? but then you have the issue of people using gun store as a safe zone.
    you really have to look at these issue from more than one view .
