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Posts posted by Ravenn


    Group Name - YUUUP


    Category (Rebel or GContractor) - Rebel


    Group's Founder (You can only have one founder) - Ravennn

    Group Founders Player UID (find UID here) - 76561198253808096


    Groups Members - TeaBag, ThroughTheRift, TheAussieTerra, Lachlan, Aiden, Jason952, Alatz, Robocop, Wesley


    What can we expect to see from you on Altis - A controlled and very expriced group to help new players and teach them the ways of being a rebel 


    Roleplay backstory for the group (Optional) -   we wish to bring back the good and pure drugs back to this amazing  land and make sure that people only endure such an amazing and drug fueled night

    • Like 7

  2. Name:Ravenn

    Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted):76561198150256174

    Date of Disciplinary Action: Late october early november not to sure 

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklist 

    Who were you Disciplined by: Augnov

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: i was blacklisted for meta gaming peoples locations to a rebel gang during bank

    Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] I understand what i did was wrong at the time I thought that playing as a dirty cop was kinda the way to go but i realise that was not the right path to go down I am sorry that i let many people down during the short period that i was active as a cop for and would really like the chance to make things right again and to apoligise to all those i did wrong 

    Any other information: Not applicable 

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