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About mylox

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  1. mylox

    completely agree with you matt, yourself and spetsnaz were the only ones who put up much of a fight which i don't think that's due to the lack of trying. the entire force in that fight was scattered and very easy to pick off but you guys didn't start scattered at all, you had quite a few just run in for the kill. in my short time within the PD iv noticed two major concerns... one is communication it's either to much or to little or completely wrong. the other thing is age... and two and im probably going to get blasted for saying this but the young ones don't like taking direction and also lack the tactical or strategic thinking to give direction in a fire fight and often panic and i don't think that's going to change any time soon. i don't mean young as in under 18 i mean young as in between 9 and 14. for the APD to be effective they need to be organised, communicate well and respond quickly and without some of the higher ranked officers who are normally a bit older on, the APD just isn't that.
  2. mylox

    Considering three of my own gang managed to fend off and take down 10+ cops last night only leaving Griffin and one other Sergeant alive and all we had was two MXC's and a PDW im interested to see if taking this amount of fire power from the APD and reducing them to knockdowns in cities is just going to kill the APD completely. as a prob constable myself im not sure i like the look of the changes here... the Gang/rebel side of me is damn well excited.