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Everything posted by Vilez

  1. Vilez

    good luck trying to police this - love the type of the game but Town of Salem has a good version
  2. Vilez

    Straya gaming but not Australia, when was the last time you went to a "heroin field". Realism as in it was Actually something within the social demographic of Earth not kangaroos ****ing up prowler bullbars
  3. Vilez

    but but.. yeah its op and a good weapon i dont know why most people dont use the machine guns in all the arma modes. imagine all the ifrit and strider tyres that wont get shot out lol
  4. Vilez

    You see this alot in most games where they nerf things but really boosting the other side to have the same effect not only gives people options instead of removing them. Shame really i think add more things on both sides before you take things away. I noticed alot of people are going for REALISM, but if you want to put Altis Life into perspective its more like mexico where police do role with Assualtys to combat the rebels/cartel members who are geared to the teeth. The tazer is still a 1 hit stun weapon and id prefer it over any pistol normally. Just some food for thought - id hate to see the mk200 be removed