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  1. TiboS

    Teamspeak Name: TiboS In Game Name: TiboS Player ID: 76561198126419675 Age: 18 Hours Played as Officer: 100+ Hours Played in Arma 3: 1095 Hours Who are your two Referrals [@ their names]: @DJ_JoozBrorg @corey.day What is your proudest moment as an Officer: My proudest moment as a police officer has probably got to be when I shot a big drug cartel leader in his ford raptor from my chopper, I had my pilot take control of the chopper and I climbed out grabbing my sniper rifle and managing a body shot to disable him. Unfortunately, he passed away in the hospital later that day. This was my proudest moment on the force because it shows that NPAS (My last assigned role) wasn't all about providing air cover and navigating other officers. Write a brief Story about your Officer, Who is he/she: My Officer was born and raised in a larger town called Sheffield in the Uk. He grew up wishing he could be a police officer. He joined the Military Police when he was 18 and stayed on there till he was 20, He then decided he wanted to join the normal police and so he did. His main aim for this was because both his parents were killed by a mugger in a dark alleyway after coming out from the theater. He applied to his local force and was accpeted. He got married to a beautiful wife that was from Australian. After about 10 years of policing in the Uk, both of them agreed to move to Sydney where he became an officer for the Victorian Police Force. Have you ever been kicked or banned from our servers? Why and how long?: None Why would you like to become a Cadet? [100 Words means 100 words, Single Lines answer will be denied] As a police officer, I always want to devote my career to minority communities, in this case, Sydney. I would be willing to face many different challenges and contribute my strength to reject the badness of the society. I believe that in my job as a police officer I will make a good example to the children of Sydney. I would also like to keep order and reduce the amount of crime in the capital and the neighboring cities around Sydney. I would love to be able to work in a team and the Sydney Police Department seem to be the key for that. What would you like to bring to the police department? [100 Words means 100 Words, Single Line answer will be denied] Like I have stated before in my application I have 100+ hours played as a cop on Altis Life. I can bring an actual knowledge of policing to the police force as well as good communicational skill and a knowledge of first aid too. I would mainly give out directions to other officers as I have an understandable and easy to hear voice. I have played as a cop for many servers over my 1095 hours worth of gaming time in Arma. I can bring motivation and enthusiasm to the role of an officer helping other officers as well as members of the public. I can bring organization to the force as well as great leadership skills and problem-solving skills. Also, I have good teamwork skills so this would be a good environment for me! I would just like to say Thank you for taking the time to read this Thank you, TiboS