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Posts posted by Stitch

  1. On ‎12‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 11:12 AM, Jereleet said:

    That update was a good one, missions are far more attainable now.

    I did a couple on the weekend, if you stay more than 600 meters away, and find semi decent cover, the AI will struggle to hit you.

    They will start moving towards you and attempt to flank you, which is good. If you can't get them all quickly, you need to re position, which is a nice challenge.

    Sniping is now a viable option for missions.

    I love this

    • kkool 1
    • hahaa 1

  2. My issue with the current exile mod is the fact veteran isn't veteran, its crazy impossible if you are on your own. like I tried sniping them with a lynx I had acquired and they were laser accurate with everyshot. I tried to do this mission 13 times, and they shot at the rocks I were behind, and at one stage I peaked for like a millisecond of me tapping q for a sec and they just sprayed and me and hit me. the accuracy is crazy high cuz the skill be high. and apart from all this the AI in general is just a lil bit too accurate, like the chinook that flies around, I was driving my quad nek minute im dead from the chinook.

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  3. Name: STITCH
    Date of Disciplinary Action: 11/29/2018
    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Taser Probation
    Who were you Disciplined by: John/Kat
    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Failed to use spike strips
    Why the appeal should be accepted: I know that the protocol is to prioritize non lethal actions to end a situation, and that whilst in a pursuit with a vehicle you should prioritize spikes. I just feel givin the circumstance spiking this individual was highly improbable and I took actions in the moment to end a pursuit.  this subject had been killing cops all night, and there was only my self and 1 whitelisted officer online, and both of us were in the car, we had the opportunity to end a situation and we took it, I have already said I accept that I should have used spikes, but given the timing spikes were just impractical and we had an opportunity to make an arrest. as we have no knockdowns this situation was handled like most shoot, rev and arrest, I believe if u had knocks the outcome would have been different. and in regards to the taser Prob side of things, its a little hard to do my job with only a taser, mind you im a stubborn person and continue to take on gangs with only a taser, most of the time its like bringing a bb gun to a gun fight and doesn't really work, so I ask if anything my taser Prob be lifted if im doing/conducting and SRT Opp's

    to whom reviews this, I thank you for taking the time to read this. 
    Any other information: here is the youtube vid of the sit 


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  4. Name: STITCH

    Date of Disciplinary Action: 12/24/2017

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: blacklist from detective

    Who were you Disciplined by: detective commander at the time

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: I raided a house as civ 

    Why the appeal should be accepted: in all honesty the ban was placed due to ignorance and I take and accept full responsibility of that, there was some things that were uncertain to me at the time, I believed as a detective if I had leave I could raid and do rebel stuff, so 1. I thought I got leave from bow I just assumed.. that was my fault, 2. I raided the house and didn't clearly read that as a detective u cant raid a house, yet again my fault. and lastly 3. I didn't know that the house I raided was going to be raided by the cops, but some people claimed I knew he was going to be raided if it was said I may not have heard or had just forgotten, and I also didn't have access to see what other people posted on the database. but any way I believe that I can redeem myself, as I have never really done anything bad in the APD apart from that one incident more then 6months ago, and I have had time to learn from that mistake, and I duly apologize for my actions even though I know apologies wont get me umbanned I do need to say that I am sorry and if I don't get unblackisted then I understand and will move forward. but I really  did like the RP aspect as a detective as some of you may know im a heavy RP'er, but yeah.

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  5. Gday, my name is officer O12W Stitch

    I would like to apply my self for POLAIR, I have around 1k hours on Arma 3 and a solid 200 are flying dedicated. I am good at keeping an hawk eye on things and can generally sense when and where things may happen. i try and keep my comms C&C (Clear and Concise) I am 17 I was a sergeant in the AAFC, but I quit due to work. and my name is sterling or sterl or sterlo up to you.


    I am on Arma regularly.


    it would be very much appreciated to be accepted into POLAIR


    sincerely Stitch

