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About NightWing

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    Learning Beginner

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  1. NightWing

    Still feels like its missing something............
  2. NightWing

    quick question, Picture 5..... Why are cops about to destroy my house? also cya.
  3. NightWing

    @TrueBlue With the changes posted to come you listed weapons/vehicles being removed on both Rebel and Police, whilst adding the new addition of the 'Mk20' to Police with knockout rounds. Will the 'Mk20' also have Lethal rounds available? Also could their be any changes in the Civilian Gun Shop, as the Civilian Contractors Role seems to be more popular currently? (Perhaps Civilian knockout rounds) ----- Also listed on your post was the changes to "Cost of Living" as i would put it. Both Police/Civilian receiving some changes in this, as you put; Police - All cop items, clothing, weapons and vehicles with cost 25% more. Civilian - All legal runs to go up 20%. - All items, weapons and vehicles to go down 25%. Are these discounted percentages calculated from the 'Player Market' located on Y menu in-game? Or at Admins/Mods Discretion? No changes to Rebel? (Licenses for most new players seem impossible without a loan from a veteran players) ----- Last thing, Cartels seem to be having a HARD time surviving in Altis Life, perhaps some more bonus should be added for that Role. (Bigger Paychecks???)
  4. NightWing

    hmm guessing by 'Cops will do everything in their power to stop the rebels' you mean cops/admins will be bringing out big guns i presume; GhostHawks Marids Armed Hunter/Strider Artillery UAV Drones Thermal Vision/Scopes ..Blackfoot? Large Assortment or Heavy Calibre Weapons? Rifles Mx.Variants, SPAR.Variants DMRs CMR-76, MAR-10, Mk-1 EMR, SPAR-17 Snipers M320, Lynx LMG LIM-85, MK200, Navid, SPMG, Zafir Launchers PCML, Titan, RPG All ofcourse which they have Government discounts on, to use and dispose of how they please. (Cheap Weapons for All) and there set to vs 'Poison' which i think is composed of random rebels joining together? Guessing this means the rebels are allowed to use everything in their power aswell? Armed Offroad Guns that Rebels can find from the local shop? Pistols 4-five, ACP, Rook, Zubr SubMG PDW, Sting Rifles AK.Variants, Katiba, Mk20, SPAR-16, TRG DMR Rahim, MK18 Sniper Non Existence LMG Non Existence Launchers Non Existence Also all rebel weapons have no 'government discount' on them. Seems like a fair trade off for who shall have a slight advantage.
  5. NightWing

    Just some things i wouldn't mind seeing in Altis Life, More community driven events(Small Weekly Events) Some Sort of Large/Small Scale Transport Run where Either Civs & Rebels or Civs & Cops work together. Diseases/Quarantines Governor (I have seen in other Posts Above, Seems nice) Help for New Players Some sort of License for New Players that allow them to buy a special skinned truck(Bright Red/Yellow), which will tell rebels to back off and leave them alone. Also have this License only last a few day - a week. More use of the KOS Zone. Perhaps have some sort of capture the flag point in the KOS area which moves every 30mins or so. Which ever Gang/Cartel/Government Organisation control it receive money to their 'Gang Funds', also u could have each player in the currently owning group inside of the CTF area receive Bonus CentreLink/Salary Money(Money u earn every 5-10Mins) Gang Hideouts. Perhaps showing on Map when a Gang/Cartel take control of a Hideout. Towing The ability to tow some vehicle's would be Great. Hook/SlingLoading System (Some Vehicle i feel are wasted) Some Changes i would like, Huron - Can Pick up Trucks Up to 'Zamak', and Armoured Vehicles up to 'Ifrit'. Heavy Lift Taru - Can Pick up Trucks up to 'Hemmet Transport' and Armoured Vehicles up to 'Strider'. Gold/BloodDiamond Mine in KOS Have a the Mine and its Processing in KOS. Rebel Gang/Cartel Numbers I personally think that there are sometimes to many rebel gangs on at times(Large Groups) perhaps it would be a good idea to have a Max of 5 large rebel gangs at a time, same could be said with cartels. These are just some things i thought of.
  6. NightWing

    join new ts: ts.strayagaming.com try than
  7. NightWing

    Roleplay Levels of cops interacting with civs need attention, some cops; Pull over a vehicle by running out with lethals shouldered, yelling get out of vehicle against civs. When cornered and outnumbered, will continue to fight even when rebels are trying to get a kid napping roleplay situation going. needs some attention.
  8. NightWing

    Challenge Accepted
  9. NightWing

    Also change up the map abit??? Not drastically, but move some things around (a lil touch ups here and there). Melbourne is very active when people doing runs as its in a hotspot. Perhaps spread out a few things? Maybe some Random checkpoints could be made(non-police)? that can be manned by rebels/cartels? would be nice if some of the processing field could be looked at and assessed? (Blood Diamond on a hill)
  10. NightWing

    Just some quick idea's. Have Cartels as perhaps a different faction (Opfor) for police and civ acknowledgement. Have gangs/cartels members all sign in forums, acknowledging they have read the rules of gangs/cartels and the gang/cartels is an Approved gang by server. have more market items(Oil/Ruby) in the water for more money routes. Towing system Just some quick ideas
  11. NightWing

    Could this be a way to bring back bounty hunters/Mercs? white-listed and controlled?
  12. NightWing

    This should get another look into, if correct rules are in play, and perhaps have bounty hunters applications so all participants know the do's and don'ts. i just feel this could work well playing solo, or as a group of bounty hunters. Another idea, potentially Cartels also could be used as bounty hunters for the police? they are in role-play conjunction? e.g. A mass murderer is causing havoc around Altis, instead of having police only chase him through towns/cities. Cartels can traverse the entire map freely. Just A Free Thought.
  13. NightWing

    With the update that happened, you can no longer see peoples TAG's, from this how are we meant to Declare if we dont know thier name? Seems abit of a waste of time if the only response from helpdesk i got was use direct chat to declare. Not sure how effective a sniper is at 20m yelling out, stop or ill shot with my long range scope. Just a let down.
  14. NightWing

    Altis Life Donator Shop. Im on here just to get people's opinion on "Donator Shops". Do some people feel it is a must like it used to be? Or Something that now leaves all players on a more even playing field, cutting out the 'Pay To Win' aspect. (Even if it is slightly) For my thoughts, i reakon it does raise a good point on having a even playing field. But your just left feeling like your missing something. Perhaps something else could be added to fill this gap. maybe even fixing 'Ship Wreck', or adding weekly randoms missions as in: Find this Person/Place Set Races across Altis And even a series of 'The Amazing Race' around Altis would be fun. Just my thoughts, don't hate.