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Posts posted by Angus

  1. I took the idea of the event that the wasteland developers crafted, and that is having a jet with 100k and whoever collects the money after they destroy the jet, is the lucky winner and the jet pilot is a community member. The idea i had planned was the have a mass jet battle, the jets would be spawned in by whomever, or even like the other event they would have some sort of button that puts everyone into a jet and have a mass fight, the jets would be wipeouts, and the winner wins for say 100-300k, since dog fighting in wipeouts is difficult the prize might be lifted. I am unsure as to if you can even do this but i really do hope you can because i am really enthusiastic about flying and it is one of my critiques.


    Thank you for reading and if you could voice your opinions below that would make me happy :) 

  2. I would say that Caesers should be 2k so you cant get them when you spawn in and therefore allah a bloody Kaj within 1 minute. But i do agree that the priece of caesers should be lowered, and im also pretty angry that they do not have a radar to detect AA but i don't think you can change that, but i am mainly peeved off at that people actually shoot AA at caesers. Thanks for reading <33
