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Everything posted by MangoNZ

  1. MangoNZ

    I'll join
  2. MangoNZ

    Okay so I've been hovering around here and there, lurked around wasteland in and out for maybe 12 months under the name of Gnarls Barkley. Took a huge break middle of this year, came back and seen that a lot has change. Hella hyped for Straya's ArmA 3 Life Mod to kick off, which I love, more importantly - EMS. So I figured, bugger it, why not properly join the community - I love it here anyway. So kia ora from New Zealand, and here's some EMS artwork I scrunged up in a jiffy.
  3. MangoNZ

    Using Tanoa rules out anyone who cannot afford to buy the DLC pack... just saying.
  4. MangoNZ

    Figured with the upcoming Life Mod we could gather some quality artwork and conjure some ideas, I'll kick it off with my EMS inspired works (and I'll try keep them coming). P.S They'll look shitty unless you click on them for high quality, unless they're shitty anyway
  5. MangoNZ

    For the EMS oriented folk alike, tell me what you think (trying to maintain a simplistic image, detail to a minimum).
  6. MangoNZ

    Is that game out already? Thought it was in development?
  7. MangoNZ

    If its all honkey dorey then I'm definitely keen then mate
  8. MangoNZ

    +1 would be good to have atleast 1 dedicated tactical group for I&A that can make the most of the gamemode without having to fuck around with mods.
  9. MangoNZ

    +1 Definitely.
  10. haha it says ArmAIII(Obviously).... still voted for it
  11. People know the Teamspeak is there but I think those who want to utilize it can, and will get on it. Anyone else just wants to kick back on a Friday night, have a beer and enjoy the shitfest at the Agios Cephas gunstore.