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Everything posted by sirgeneralj

  1. sirgeneralj

    To be honest if you go abuse a police officer or piss on police property/an officer in real life you know where’s you would find your arse... that’s right, a jail cell for the night lol. @Warden - technically in NSW the speed limit does not apply to police even without lights... although it is still an offence to drive dangerously even with lights on :) Also on a final note; you don’t need to be a registered lawyer if you want to represent yourself. Find a judge or the Venom the queens counsel to see if you can organise a case. (But I might try to record a few things first, or at least get pictures)
  2. sirgeneralj

    It seems as though bad drivers still plague our streets! The operation has now been extended until Sunday 29/10/2017, 11:59PM Eastern Day Light Saving Time. A further three offenses are also being explicitly listed. "Failure to stop at a stop sign or solid white line", "Failure to give way at an intersection" and "Failure to drive with care around emergency warning signals or a pursuit". These are to further our goal of under 9000 road deaths a month. Drive Safe, Jack Fire
  3. sirgeneralj

    Operation #Don'tStopMeNow Through Collaboration the Altis Police Department and Federal Prosecution Service bring the latest road safety operation with the goal to reduce road fatalities of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Running from 8/10/17 6 Pm Restart until 11:59 29/10/17 This police operation is targeting drivers who fail to pull over/yield when emergency lights/sirens are in use behind them as well as drivers who fail to take extra care when emergency sirens can be heard in the vicinity. Double demerit points and fines will apply to the following offences while the operation is in force: Failure to yield (pull over) to vehicle displaying emergency lights/sirens who wishes to pass: WAS $15,000 - NOW $30,000 Failure to stop for police causing pursuit: WAS $20,000 - NOW $40,000 Evading Police: WAS $25,000 - NOW $50,000 Reckless driving while committing an offence listed above: WAS $10,000 - NOW $20,000 Speeding while committing an offence listed above: WAS $5,000 per 10KMPH - NOW $10,000 per 10KMPH EXTRA: Speeding 100KMPH over the limit or more while committing an offence above: 1 year[24 hours] license suspension. (Must be persued in court) Dangerous Driving in the vicinity of emergency signals (Lights/sirens): Double the penalty listed in the Altis Court Guidelines (Must be pursued in court) Failure to stop (And proceed safely thereafter) at a stop sign or a solid white line: Formalised at $9,500 ($30,000 if you strike another vehicle or $60,000 if you actuate bodily harm) Failure to give way at an intersection, which involves no stop signs on solid white lines, on which your road discontinues: Formalised at $4,000 ($25,000 if you strike another vehicle or actuate bodily harm) Failure to take care around and abide by emergency signals (including traffic cones and barriers) however does not commit another offence: $12,500 ($30,000 if you strike another vehicle or object and $50,000 if you actuate bodily harm) Please be aware; just because you were not pulled over does not mean you have not committed an offence. The Federal Prosecution Service may later pursue any person committing an offence above in court at a later time. Often Failure to yield offences will be pursued later as officers are heading to a crime scene at the time of the offence, if this is the case a subpoena will be issued for you to appear in court at a set time. Failure to adhere to a subpoena will result in an arrest warrant being issued. If a vehicle evades police an arrest warrant may be sought immediately for the apprehension of the accused and the immediate trial of the offender. Because of the problems with those failing to adhere to the laws creating dangerous situations on the road, evading police, causing a pursuit, reckless driving, and dangerous driving will all be arrestable during the time of this operation (to promote public order). All cars involved in the offences above will be impounded whether improperly parked or not (to promote public order). Please be aware the license suspension rules in the new court guidelines may be used, heavily restricting you from driving on our roads if you repeatedly breach the traffic laws or cause danger to the lives of civilians, paramedics or police officers. The above applies to citizens of Altis, police and paramedics as the laws would in all general situations. Exceptions to the offences listed above do exist for emergency vehicles however these vehicles must ALWAYS drive safely. Information for officers on being involved with this operation will be presented in a short brief after the 6 Pm restart on 8/10/17 and will also be posted in the police forums. If there are any questions on enforcement please talk to a member of the Federal Prosecution Service. Police Enforcement Guide: Top offenders might even get #Roasted by the APD and FPS for endangering all the users of our roads. Jack Fire, Director of the Federal Prosecution Service
  4. sirgeneralj

    @Slep. We tried that whole parliament thing it sort of crashed and burned. Due to the lack of said "Houses of Parliament" and me being told admins don't have to vote it in, we just sort of went there. (It's just like how cops can add/change tickets on their database as long as it's not unfair) For the record though, technically we made it easier to get warrants (TECHNICALLY)
  5. The Altis Life Court Guidelines (A mix of rules regarding the courts and laws) have just been updated. These changes have been made to help clarify many areas for both police and civilians in regards to their rights and responsibilities. There is more to come but so far we have made some major changes. As always, all areas not mentioned can be decided under common law by attending court to lead to the best RP experience for us all. The new guidelines are at the following address: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Arv9tvMONoX2KGmdg7K4ZiMci1TdrQZcZ2CxAlvwJKE/edit?usp=sharing The major changes are as follows (all changes are in red on the guidelines): Fully defined what an arrest is and what is required Added section for how to become a judge Further clarified warrants and added a whole list of situations which would commonly lead to a house search warrant being issued Added possibilities for the following sentences: License suspensions, Life Imprisonment (Requires agreement of admins, not really for life lol) and the Death Sentance (Requires agreement of the defendant, there as an extra roleplay opportunity) Traffic Law Act (Added in addition to Police Ticket Database, covers speeding and dangerous driving charges) Judicial Discretion (Persons can be given much larger sentances if taken to court) Chain of Death (Covers what is required to upgrade between manslaughter, murder charges and ect.) Added requirement for "Discovery" for court cases Civil Arbitration added for Civilians. This involves a court like experience led by a judge, Federal Prosecutor or another authorized individual to sort out small disputes with a time cap of 10 mintues. This can be used for a quicker and cheaper dispute resolution, ideally you would seek this form a Federal Prosecutor at Sydney Police Station or just request it to a police officer if one party wont attend volunarily. This should be used for traffic cases (crashes) or other small events but make sure you have evidence. (Police Officer testimony should do) Administrative Appeals Tribunal added for discriminatory or abusive demotions, for housing disputes and Freedom of Information requests. NOTE: This tribunal will not review a disciplanary decision just because you think the body was "wrong" "Punative damages for breach of civil liberties" - Just read the document for more info Both Venom and myself are aiming to get many more Police Prosecutors and Civilian Lawyers in a hope to enhance roleplay around this area. Ideally if police abuse their powers we want to be able to have a 20 minute court case with the correct side winning the case, however we also need to make sure the case if fair, requires evidence and is realistic. While many of the items in this document may not be enforced straight away by police they will be shifting into the Jusicial Government and Court immediately and as such court cases claiming compensation will be based off the new changes (Note: this document overrides other documents in the courts eyes, although we tried to ensure there were no conflicts with previous documents) For any more suggestions or if you have any problems please message myself on the forums or come talk to either myself (Jack Fire) and Venom on TS. We have tried to make these changes as fair as possibly and mainly attempted to clarify situations which were already occuring inside roleplay. This way we can clarify many terms for you in simpler words then many real life pieces of legislation use Thankyou, Jack Fire
  6. sirgeneralj

    +1 Jack for Straya Veteran
  7. sirgeneralj

    Once we lost west gate to connection; and then a failed rush on south-east gate we had little chance as we just couldn't cover the entrances.
  8. sirgeneralj

    I believe a few things could be improved: Bigger zones with more house and cover (as well as spawn locations lol) Longer rounds (24 guns) Randomised gun lists involving more guns (always end Alina pistol though) Make map only show someone when shooting (if possibly), or maybe only show people on kill streaks/last gun Custom clothes/jet skins for the long run which can be bought with points accumulated on the server (long term goal maybe) heli warfare could definately be fun with everyone in Pawnees, and could be easier to get kills then the jet warfare.
  9. But what does every good leader need? A team to watch their back. So here is OSG. The Operational Support Group. What do we do, well if we told you, we would have to kill you Your browser does not support the video tag. (Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQEFmHsseaU) - Used for parody Also find the video here Apply now to join the OSG
  10. sirgeneralj

    Name of Team: APD Alpha Team Members: [REDACTED] Name of Team: APD Omega Team Members:[REDACTED] Full registration to be paid by [F05B] Jack Fire, including an extra 300k For Sponsorship
  11. Unfortunately, the release of results were delayed until the 3rd of January for multiple reasons. The Results are: 1. The Constitution of Australian Altis was voted in with an 87% majority. This means that on the 1st of January 2017 Australian Altis became a federated state. Until a time where the government has created legislation overruling old laws, current laws shall remain in place. 2. Brutal [Altis Life Administrator] was voted into Governor General with a 64% Majority. 3. The Following people will be taking up positions in the Executive government (either by election or as the sole candidate) Prime Minister- DJ_JoozBrorg Deputy Prime Minister - Jonathan Waters Secretary of the Cabinet - Bevan Gluesniff Treasurer - Jay Attorney General - Lotza Minister for Immigration - Lucas Gluesniff Minister for Public Safety - Martin Minister for Employment - Stezza These new ministers are to be sworn in by the Governor-General at the earliest convenience. The Prime Minister or the Secretary of the Cabinet should now move to organize the first Parliamentary meeting Nevetos is also appointed Chief Justice of the High Court of Altis At this time there is no chief justice of the Federal Court, one will be appointed at a later date Thankyou, Jack Fire It is now up to the government of Altis to continue the roleplay with cartels, Police and Civilian Contractors and possibly change the roleplay in Altis Forever....
  12. sirgeneralj

    [AL] To Strengthen or To Weaken

    Meet at: Rebels: Rebel 1 Police: Sydney PD
  13. sirgeneralj

    Im going to tell you 3 stories and one hypothetical, take what you will from all of them. Story 1) This was about an old server I played on years ago that died. I shall not mention the name however it died for one reason alone. A FAILED economy. We all know rebels like to rob people, but eventually this became bad for the server. Generally we had 2 large gangs on the server and as soon as any civilians left the main safezone they would be robbed. This instantly took away players from the server. why was this? Because money could buy everything, meaning the new guys couldnt escape from everything because these rich guys thought it was safe enough to go bring the biggest guns to anything as they could just buy them again. We don't want this to happen, we need to limit large weapons to the big fights, with large rewards after your large risk. Why? Because as seen above if we bring navids to rob civilians, eventually they will lose all their $$$ and not play. Eventually the cops will stop playing as your SPMG squad will kill out everyone bellow sergeant as all they have is 6.5mm MX/MXM's. Without Pubs, and all the constables their is no base for the force and their will be no force, we all remember times when there was at most 5 cops on the whole day. Story 2) Current police weaponry and arsenal. So now as the top tier rank of the normal police force I can tell you the highest tier gun I get; 7.62mm Mk-1 EMR, and that was mainly because of my own request. Everyone bellow inspector can only get 6.5 or 5.56, and you guys want to have your 9.3mm, 12.7mm for 1 million dollars...... As a lower ranked officer the only thing keeping you alive is strategy, a strategy someone else is having to make, with so many split second decisions involved they cant keep track of, this = dead officers, due to 7.62 through windows. Now SRT are only 15 out of 123 officers have an SRT rank, this does not include out hundred of pub slots (normally a quater of our numbers at any bank). What this would do is stop these officers from being able to get on and respond to Fed or bank. If you chose to do fed really you should have to deal with atleast half of these 'highly trained' officers, with guns slightly better then your own, unless you CRAFT, which is how the system was designed. you make a hidey house, and you put in the time, you WIN. So as we can see, if every rebel doing a bank brought a 7.62 from the shop like they are able to, their weapon caliber would highly outweigh that of the police (by average), at a standard bank. As for vehicles, Police get drones, yes, however you get the time to set your trap, police drones have no thermals, so often we miss snipers in hills as long at they are not moving. Hide and you will rarely be found. Hunter HMGs don't even knock down anymore unless the hostile is also inside a vehicle, meaning they are only effecting against moving striders or hostile aircraft. Or they could just be shot out of the hunter HMG through the window like normal. All in all the way rebels get to choose when to rob and get to setup first in sneaky little places outweighs or at least equals the police vehicular advantage. While you all may be sad about having to craft weapons many police officers now find it impossible to get the weapons they used to be able too. 7.62 was upped two ranks and the Lynx was taken out entirely except for around 5 people, of whom only two use it, and the chances of having one on for a situation is rare. Hypothetical 1) Okay, so like suggested we change the balance so to make it a equal playing field for Fed/Bank for the msaller rebel groups (assuming this is not the way it already is). You suggest it is already level for SP doing bank however at the moment cops only win around 1/5 banks (from what I have been told) against SP, now this doesnt seem very equal. From what I have seen the only time we win is when we have a large amount of forces from the command team with both the experience and arsenal to compete. If we made it even easier to rob bank/fed think about what would happen when SP did it. Police would be decimated in 5 minutes and like above many police would leave the server. As it is I heard a story of a Constable who has never ever made it inside the Fed as everytime he went his orders got him killed before he got to clear it. Now if SP, probably the most powerful gang on the server can do it, all the other gangs can do it too, you just need to put the time into tactics and the like, do something smart to slow police down. As it is bank shouldn't be won more then once a day, fed, no more than once a week. Because these are meant to be HARD! So if we make it easier for the smaller gangs, think about how often the bigger gaNGS WILL WIN, 5/5 Story 3) This isn't directly related, I just know about something that happened in the past. Around 9 months ago about 3 large rebel gangs went to helpdesk to discuss how the polcie were OP By the end of the meeting the admin in charge of Altis Life was so sick of the complaining he decided that EVERYTHING was now on the table. Thats right, this is why blackfoots came about (well atleast started to be used) The moral of this story is sometimes when you start a big discussion you don't get what you wish for. As far as the 10 minute timer, it is fair for rebels and police as it is. It would become very hard to administrate if we change the rules, and it just gives a gang/the police a reason to be able to go to helpdesk for something minor which may have had no/little effect on the situation. For this reason and many others I am strongly in the belief the rule is good as it is.
  14. sirgeneralj

    Been a great year ?
  15. sirgeneralj

    [RESERVED] Pitches from Prime Ministerial Candidates [Please contact Jack Fire with your pitch] Jack Fire (as Jonathan Waters) Hi, my name is Jonathan Waters, your number one Prime Ministerial Candidate. My brother is an Assistant Commissioner of the Altis Federal Police and as such I am very sympathetic to all of their needs and wishes, however I have also spent time with many innocent citizens who have been damaged by members of this force. I myself am the returned Attorney General, I put into place the first full legal framework this country has seen, after once again seeing the need for change I began working with a number of people as well as the queen to create a full government system, allowing the people of this country to control the laws of the land, making it a safer place for all. I wish to create change in this wonderful country, I feel as though I would be a good option as I have much experience in the legal field and understand all types of people in our land. I plan to ensure the government prosecutes officers who have committed misconduct, I plan to ensure jobs for all citizens and I foremostly plan to lead with government and country to become one of the best countries to live in in the world. Help me make my dream of the greatest Australian Altis come true, Vote Jonathan Waters
  16. sirgeneralj

    Good Afternoon As many of you would know we have recently been taking nominations for the first Executive Government of Australian Altis, should the constitution be accepted. After receiving the queen's consent, we are putting the constitution to the nation to be voted upon. To accept the constitution we require a majority over 50%. Today on your ballot paper sit 3 polls. The first poll is whether or not to accept the constitution presented to you, federating our country on January the first, 2017. ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/14s8iF-9yBv4hOsI9TOwFa2UVC1TqSB3lVlqoecHi-Ro/ ) The second poll is for your choice of Governor-General. This person will ensure the government passes fair laws to benefit all people, they are the queens representative in the Executive, however cannot create laws, only assent to them. [Blocks any bills which would damage the server and its population] Finally before you is the vote for who shall become Prime Minister as well as Deputy Prime Minister. Under normal circumstances there would be many more polls and in the future we hope to have many more choices on the ballots, however due to very few people running for positions in the executive I can announce the other positions have been filled by candidates whose names will be released at the same time as the Prime Minister. If any prime ministerial candidates are caught breaking current laws and are proven in open court they may be dismissed from the poll. If any other candidates are caught by the Federal prosecution service and successfully prosecuted for their crimes they also risk their position. Bellow you will also find pitches for all candidates on why they should be voted into the seat For any other info check out (you may also ask questions on that topic) Thankyou and Happy Voting!
  17. sirgeneralj

    [AL] Christmas Cheer

    'Tis the season to be jolly Today, Altis staff members and the community team will be filling the community with that good jolly feeling in a number of ways. 1. Giveaways Galore - We will be hosting random giveaways, both announced and unannounced to give our supporters a friendly way to run a day 2. Christmas Night Out - At 8pm (NSW Time) there will be a 1-hour armistice where rebels, cops and civilians will meet to sing Christmas carols. Location will be announced before and during the event. Music will be in the Altis Life Events Channel! (With singalong ingame) - No players are to bring 2 handed weapons to the event unless it ahs been organised prior with event staff. 3. Fireworks - A display by the APD at the end of the Armistice. Then 10 minutes to get back away from eachother before any fighting occurs please 4. Random surprises - It is Christmas afterall! All giveaways are funded by donations, feel free to contact staff to help out (PS. giveaways occur outside event time)
  18. sirgeneralj

    Police Open Day

  19. sirgeneralj

    [Altis Life] Ghost Hotel

  20. sirgeneralj

    VizzN mentioned one reason this is still a problem; if there are no higher ups on. But a bigger problem is for the high ranks. As you progress higher in the police force you allow the lower ranks to process to gain experience and hence get the money that way. This leaves only impounds and bounties left. Impounds are generally split up but are worth nothing. Bounties are also dirt cheap as we can't add someone to the wanted list quickly after we kill them to get extra money, so we really need to raise the wanted amounts so you end up gaining atleast some money from taking out the top targets which you are unable to capture. For example I killed someone with like 25k worth of maslaughters, on the old server that would be over a million (I think), that's a big difference. I have lost around 8 million since the release of the server as there is simply no good way to make money as a higher ranked officer
  21. sirgeneralj

    Lol; I was walking around PD while this was happening. In didn't really know what was going on; I just stayed away lolz
  22. sirgeneralj

    Martin rarely squints, but when he does, you know it means rcon is ready and working (probably why he never squints)
  23. @Leopard Any chance we could bribe these weapon providers to give us what weapons were sold and to whom whey were sold (possibly including price)? Jack Fire
  24. sirgeneralj

    + Alot of Ts convos and stuff
  25. sirgeneralj

    Kerbal Space Program An amazing space simulation game where you fly around as little men and have fun... BUT THERE IS A MULTIPLAYER MOD! While it is a little buggy it could be a whole lot of fun for the community. I know a few people have mentioned it has been laggy but that is probably due to the fact any servers you have played on were either US or off someone's PC. By hosting it off a server we should reduce lag and will become the only Australian Kerbal Space program MP Server (As far as the official server list would be concerned). Vote quickly and we could have a beta live very soon! Also feel free to comment your opinion on: Player Slots Gametype (Sandbox, Science, Career) Competitions we could have Difficulty Any other server settings Thanks, Jack Fire - Community Developer