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Everything posted by sirgeneralj

  1. sirgeneralj

    Apologies to all whom it may concern. (Primarily AMC, SOGT, the APD and StrayaGaming Staff) for the next two weeks (from tomorrow the 16th) to the 30th or 31st I will be away on a cruise around the pacific islands. Sorry if this causes any inconveniences, when I get back I will be ready to jump straight back into playing on Straya and some more good times but a cruise is a cruise. I will be available for a very limited time today (after 7pm probably). I hope that this absence does not inflict negatively on any of my statures and I have tried to inform people whom it may be of great concern to before now. If anyone else is going on the cruise leaving Sydney, princess Dawn I do believe, comment below. I should also be on the forums on the 17th and the 29th. good luck to all and hope to see the community going strong when I get back Best Regards, Jack Fire
  2. sirgeneralj

    Great BBQ today boys. Those chicken marinaded rabbit meat kebabs were mint. And that sugar free cola flavoured coffee just made it perfect, along with the stunning view from the channel 7 news station. A shame no hostages made it out alive though. They always have to run.... Even once I was going to pay for his release lol great fun RP boys
  3. sirgeneralj

    Ima off again for another 5 odd days have fun without me guys dont go robbing bank too much SP
  4. sirgeneralj

    Frekin legendary looken top notch
  5. sirgeneralj

    Where was your exfil?
  6. sirgeneralj

    #ForTheSupporters indeed Looking forward to see Straya growing even more on this new beastly machine, let's hope we don't get any more trolls DDOSing our servers because they have no life. To #1 and Beyond Jack Out #TheFire
  7. sirgeneralj

    I call fake hostage lol. Nahh; looks like great fun, wish I was on Maybe some other time
  8. sirgeneralj

    Let's run a Bunnings sausage sizzle lol. Cosmetic skins for cars sound like a good idea, maybe even a few clothing skins, like a suit? I am unsure of what the plan would be but too me having only one server run on the dedi seems like abit of a waste. I think it would fit a lot better if some of these other games which are less server intensive also run at the same time while giving the Altis Life CPU and ram priority. This would mean that we could use the money more efficiently and gain more donations from servers which you can monetise! Having the dedi like this would still certainly increase performance but by having the other servers on it, it would also mean we aren't wasting half the specs of the server, even at peak. Now, I'm not extremely experienced with ARMA 3 servers and the specs they require, but I think it's a good decision for the community in two ways: 1. By having servers that are monetised and gain more donations, paying for it just got a whole lot easier 2. By allowing other permanent servers we can greatly increase the flueidity of the servers to keep up with player demand and create the ability try out different game modes and servers for even just a week, to know if people would take interest my two dollars #TheFire
  9. sirgeneralj

    So Cool; Kinda surprised not much happened. Maybe we could get a police unit out with 24 in game hours of dash cam footage (Or GO PRO), which would mean all first person for someone . Do a time-lapse of the Sydney drug dealer vs. the Melbourne drug dealer, could have some very interesting results. And the Intelligence department may be able to offer some payment on that one.... Just a few ideas
  10. sirgeneralj

    Would be ashame if anyone busted in on the party Watch your backs boys Sounds like fun, will be good to see who comes out ontop.... #TheFire
  11. sirgeneralj

    The system of police officers will stand prosecuting any people being convicted under criminal law. This is because it is generally seen as police vs civilian and would require a large change of attitude to change to dedicated police prosecutors. Currently it stands as police fill the roles of Crown Proecutors once approved (If there are none online yet a case must proceed the highest ranking officer online may present as the prosecutor at court). Civilians will me allowed to sign up to be lawyers with me under the applications, and every gang will receive availability to have one "dirty lawyer" with strong RP conditions. The Medics, as the neutral party will make up the final side of judges, there are to be 5 listed judges who will take precedent over other medics then the highest ranking medic online will judge a case. However for anyone listed as a "medic" or above (lvl 2 whitelisted) may act as retired judges (lawyers) while playing civilian. Like Australian court there will be a hierarchy of the courts and an opportunity to appeal on reasonable grounds however instead of the hierarchy based off the level of court it will be based upon the level of judge (e.g. Magistrate, Judge, Justice, Chief Justice, Full Court, Attourney General if required). Police officers only have juresdiction while in processing, once the case it taken to court the only police officer that may have a say in rare circumstances is the Attourney General if they also play as police regularly however they must not interfere with matters involving themselves. This system is not yet finalised but is my rough plan. At the moment I am trying to help people organise cases before the system starts to run smoothly however at the moment it seems only worth it for high level cases. If you have any suggestions let me know and I might work them in soon. I am am trying to get the system as fair as possible however as you can imagine it takes time, especially for implementation. Stay tuned for once I get a Judiciary Government paper approved ?. #TheFire
  12. sirgeneralj

    Gmod DarkRP Maybe another GMOD server which swaps different combat game modes (jailbreak, TTT, ect.)
  13. sirgeneralj

    If, hypothetically Strayagaming was to get a DarkRP server, lets hear what map you guys would like to see. Comment bellow with your answer if you choose other
  14. sirgeneralj

    To get a court date please talk to someone with a [lawyer] tag in game or PM me on the forums
  15. sirgeneralj

    I don't think it was done yet Wayz Court will be in session from 7 till 8 tonight, as long as there's a judge available.... contact me sometime before then. this should be the 2nd case for the session if all goes to plan and every one is on..... Then there's the fact it was 2am and I probably don't even want to know what happened
  16. sirgeneralj

    Maybe CS:GO if I start playing a bit more
  17. sirgeneralj

    "Do or do not, there is no try" - Master Yoda " To every rule there is an exception - And an idiot ready to demonstrate it. Don't be that one!" - Vera Nazarian "I get it,' said the prisoner. 'Good Cop, Bad Cop, eh?' If you like.' said Vimes. 'But we're a bit short staffed here, so if I give you a cigarette would you mind kicking yourself in the teeth?" - Terry Pratchett "This above all, To thine own self be true" - William Shakespeare
  18. sirgeneralj

    Time for an impound boys, roll out
  19. sirgeneralj

    "Pretend You're Xyzzy" Is the name of the game Shall we get an event of this going 10PM tomorrow?
  20. sirgeneralj

    How to astound the flight trainer Ill try to get some more High Quality Pictures Apply for POLAIR on the Police Force IF you are Corporal or above: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-D7pIc9npm-WYVU2TkQcUv5Sd647OnhfpaGiKJ2U2I4/viewform
  21. sirgeneralj

    Some look pretty good Maybe a few darker ones?
  22. sirgeneralj

    Sydney Police; Hands on your head
  23. sirgeneralj

    How much if the cops win?
  24. sirgeneralj

    Looking good rog Lets try to get the server full tonight and on Saturday for abit of fun guys
  25. sirgeneralj

    Looked pretty cool a shame you didn't get them in