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Everything posted by BruhBea

  1. BruhBea

    a lot of work for small rewards
  2. BruhBea

    it is.
  3. BruhBea

    Thats gold
  4. BruhBea

    i doubt it would break monetization rules as we're not accepting anything in return
  5. BruhBea

  6. BruhBea

    No comment. BTW we are rebels. (Click for High Res)
  7. BruhBea

  8. BruhBea

    more likely we will have another server to accomodate the new map (and keep the existing) Possibly Tanoa Life Or wasteland, we will see.
  9. BruhBea

    so far ive done everything through scripting. now i need to place the smaller objects, like tables etc, using a 3d editor mod.
  10. BruhBea

    Still need to finish this trader off :P
  11. BruhBea

    Sexy screen from Development Server Click for High Res
  12. BruhBea

    is this going to be a weekly thing?
  13. BruhBea

    You could limit it and not allow them to be placed in base, as for the players, depends if it spawns a physx object or not (which it most likely would)
  14. BruhBea

    Name me, the reality is, anyone can buy an offroad hmg, anyone can buy lynx's. But police are restricted by rank, even if I had been a cop, I still can't rent Hunter HMG's. This now comes down to tactics, if you can't out gun them, you need to out smart them. Firstly, a hunter HMG (in my opinion) is easily considered overkill for an offroad armed, one bullet and the gunners dead, another the drivers dead. Not to mention the whole VDM script blocking damage from vehicles against players. It all comes down to tactics and experience. The thing is, with the recent Police overhaul there has been maybe one or two successful bank robberies when we have 5-6 SRT Members, Which is exactly what should happen, it means its working. But its almost unbalancing the whole situation, a few successful bank robberies a week is hardly an issue. If you're getting "your asses handed to you", reconsider your tactics, recon the area, identify the threat and respond accordingly.
  15. BruhBea

    the poll needs to be defined .. like. keep and do not keep is broad.. I think keep, but it needs to be a special role where players no the rules, i.e can heal cant rev in combat
  16. BruhBea

    it used to be you could fly from the co-pilot seat as a non pilot. But it was changed now so if the server has less than 20 people on anyone can fly. The main reason for this was because helicopters would just get left around the map and when real pilots needed to do transport there were few helicopters to actually use.
  17. BruhBea

    AI generally spawns in the same 20m radius, causing 40 troops to spawn on top of each other Pretty much the only thing i've noticed, also maybe have the helis spawn further out
  18. BruhBea

    i would play that
  19. BruhBea

    what about king of the hill?
  20. BruhBea

    mmm, i'd be interested in that ehh i think Gmod's pretty dead these days, but its an option
  21. BruhBea

    im not sure what the go is with the server files, i seemed to remember they were private?
  22. BruhBea

    someone mentioned it. I assumed they were talking about SA:MP
  23. BruhBea

    good question. @Thund3R @ForeignGuy You guys voted it. What kind of server would you like to see?
  24. BruhBea

    it should be fun
  25. BruhBea

    Glad you had fun lastnight