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I&A Mini Campaign: The Progenitor Device (Declassified)

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Kyroe    64

OK so some to most may not be aware. but the missions i have been creating have been part of a small campaign I've been running on the server. details as follows

1st Mission was a small and simple one. had to ambush an enemy convoy and return it to base. not much resistance. team successfully returned the enemies device to use. 
2nd Mission. capture officer and secure Device plans. another simple mission. yet had some challenge. Aegis 3-9 acted swiftly and pulled the mission off before the officer could escape. 1 set of 3 plans have been acquired
3rd mission. infiltrate and steal a tempest device from the Pyrgos military base. The infiltration was a success. although acquiring the device was more trouble then expected. upon acquiring mentioned vehicle. the team came under heavy fire quickly. in the end they escaped with the device. that's is the 2nd device acquired. now the disassembling can begin

Mission 3.5 [Classified]

4th Mission. CSAT became a little to aware and over protective. we had to cancel large scale ops for the time being. as such Aegis 3-9 intercepted and ambushed a CSAT and AAF meet. both parties were eliminated swiftly.
5th Mission. Military research base held the last tempest device and plans. as well as the last officer we needed. This was a heavily defended base but the assault was a success. Aircraft had little to no chance of flying within 4 km of the base. to dumb down the defence in simple terms. 4 cannons. 2 long range AA missile systems and 1 short range system with long range active radar providing feedback. Results were very pleasing base was eliminated. device secured. officer captured and the last set of plans acquired.
6th Mission. Progenitor device had been completed. enemy convoy ambushed. and replaced via Aegis 3-9 with their own vehicles. keeping the lead vehicle intact to allow entry into CSAT base. Upon successfully planting the device. Aegis 3-9 ex filtrated via an unguarded tempest transport. once clear of potential danger zone. Device had been remotely activated and such. rendering the CSAT base inoperable for the foreseeable future (details of destruction. uncontrolled weather phenomenon. ((electrical storm ranging into a 3 km radius)) unfortunately the device was destroyed in the progress. at least the lab coats collected as much data as possible before the destruction of the progenitor device. 


P.S Any and all players on server are welcome to join the missions. but must atleast join the briefing before mission start. some missions require specific objectives to be completed in order for the mission to go as intended. any unforeseen attacks or assaults can and will trigger the AI to be alert and greatly hinder the mission success rate. if you wish to join mid mission. join Aegis 3-9 and ask for a quick brief of the mission.

P.S.S: the Missions scale based on numbers involved and size of AO. 

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