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Altis Life - FED - Never enough cops on.

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itzspex    8

Every time we set up to rob the FED there are never enough cops online, If you made the cop minimum 7 it would be alot more convenient as there is almost always 7 cops online but never 8. 

Idk just voicing my opinion, like i know why it is required to be 8 because of gangs like AMC, who have 10+ people online at certain times. And you need to have whitelisted cops to stand a chance. But it seems that there is never enough. 

Any ways, hope you understand why I am making this post. P.S. I have currently been sitting at the fed for 1 hour. 


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  • Rambo    143

    Can understand your frustration here mate, but rest assured the issue of not enough cops online is being addressed, Marc and the team are putting a lot of effort and their time into rebuilding the police force of Straya gaming for the benefit of all players. As you can see by following this link http://strayagaming.com.au/forums/index.php?/forum/111-police-whitelist-applications/  whitelisting approval process has kicked off for all current applications which will increase the amount of active police force members. 

    Look forward to Round the clock fed and Sydney bank action in the near future. ;p


    Corporal J. Rambo

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