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Posts posted by ʝ17

  1. For hotfix:

    - Fix death timer so medics can get more time to get to the player
    - Fix wanted+
    - Fix organ selling
    - Put vehicle markers for rebel vehicle spawns. - Supanova

    Also got a message from someone claiming they didnt receive any money from a wanted person they killed... will need to be checked:


    <16:56:21> "DanM8": New bounty system is broken
    <16:58:39> "DanM8": http://prntscr.com/8qci49 was Tuunah's bounty and I killed him and i did not get sht




    @Brodie @dasweetdude and myself have been working on this midnight update ps. @Supanova I put your mission up on dev server turns out it does work... didnt have one issue loading in. xD


    ps. had to remove @Supanova placeables menu for time being due to placing items and they would not free of my body and was also causing issues for custom wanted level.


    Change idea to GREEN when complete.


    • Water mark at bottom of screen - ʝ17
    • Rebel outpost spawn points - ʝ17
    • Fixed intro songs for civ and cop both separate - ʝ17
    • Updated hud icons - ʝ17
    • Added start of Kavala bank or something else in future just map stuff - ʝ17
    • Slowly started adding in @Marc_R's medic changes - ʝ17
    • Lights at hospital
    • Earplugs - already added by - @Supanova
    • Safezone around hospitals and police stations ʝ17
    • Some sort of drug for KOS zone
    • Updated rebel outposts via map editor - ʝ17
    • Possibly replace demigods admin menu with the Extended Admin Menu
    • The Dynamic market system
    • Better balanced weapons,vehicle value and payrates for all class’s - Brodie
    • Pyrgos bank V.1 Early Access
    • Add vest into Clothing Store - Brodie
    • Added Kavala and north rebel out post as safezones aswell as kavala hospital - ʝ17
    • Organ harvesting and dealer script - Brodie
    • Add Set Jail time for Cops http://www.altisliferpg.com/topic/7702-howto-set-jail-time-3148-extdb/
    • Wanted+ needs to be added back in - ʝ17
    • Wanted list prices changed to ticket prices - ʝ17
    • Anti VDM script added in - ʝ17
    • Medics can now do kidney transplants - ʝ17
    • Change Pay Checks to all classes Brodie


          What needs to be done before 6pm tonight:

    • Like 1

  3. Got a message from our new Head medic this morning which would be nice in the server similar to our old medic setup.

    G'day j17

    HiVis textures to medics stand out from cops (I have been shot twice)

    Lights on the Hospital Roofs

    Working lights on all medic cars

    Cutting tool or rescue tool to get people out of cars that need reviving

    Sedation tool, to sedate people that get out of control while under arrest (taser takes people out for about 10sec, sedation can take them out longer 60sec)
    More slots for medics maybe 1 public spot.

    some form of mission to do when things a quiet.

    I would like to add in to the roll play a Tactical Medic that responds to police situations so a medic is on hand for major situations.
    Rapid Response, medics in choppers, restrict choppers access for lowest rank of medics.

    Normal Duties that just drive around on the map.

    I am still working out a few other things but that's the short list of medic requirements.

    Marc_R Chief Medic/Commissioner


  4. Do we want to connect it to the new webiste? We could even make a MDC for the police where they view active warrants, can look up offenders history and the such.

    I dont think I know anyone who wouldn't want something like that which creates even more interaction with our website, but first of all before we give it the approval we want to make sure there will always be a future for Altis life to save you doing all this work and then Altis life not being supported and taken down due to lack of support from the community. Because as many of you know Altis life will not longer be hosted 'free' on the dedi so it needs its own support like wasteland and invade.

  5. Hi mate welcome to the community,

    We did have a king of the hill server a few months back but due to not a large amount of players we had to close it down because we where paying about $110 a month from what I can remember for a server that wasn't being used to its full extent.

    Thanks for the feedback all our website and ARMA developers would love to hear feed back, suggestions and ways to improve our servers which can be all posted up on our forums.


    All the best.

    - J ^_^

    • Like 1

  6. Tools are done threw database needs to be assigned, un-sure what in game tools apart from outdated infistar which i can get latest version of Demigod because he did buy it and suppose to get updates will be able to get rcon working again today

  7. Hey mate welcome to the forums any questions or anything feel free to jump on teamspeak or either throw a post on the forums and I'm sure one of our staff will be more than happy to help! 

    Im sure you would love playing on our i&a server where our Devs have spent a lot of time and effort into making the server what it is today :) all the best mate!



  8. Feel you were incorrectly banned from our servers? Please start a new topic and copy and paste this form:




    Ingame Name:


    Server You Were Banned From:


    Who Banned You:


    Reason For Being Banned:


    Time Of Ban:


    Why You Should Be Unbanned:


    Any Extra Information:



    Abusive Comments Or Swearing Will Not Get You Very Far!

    Failure To Correctly Fill Out This Form May Mean Your Appeal Will Be Denied.

    For Faster Service, Mention The Staff Member Who Banned You By Using " @StaffName ".


    Originally posted by Supanova.

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