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Posts posted by kiwisniper

  1. Update #3

    In hospital now and hope to see the specialist on Wednesday its gotten to the point where I cant put weight on my leg so now they have to do something about it looks like I will be in here for 1-2 weeks at this stage.

    Thank you to you all for the get well wishes and support through this hard time you don't know how much it means to me I consider you all to be family and would do anything I could to help you 

    I hope to be back on the beat soon so all you crimes better look out.

    • Like 1
    • monkamega 1
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  2. update #2


    So I am still no well and I have been to the hospital for a couple of stays one of which I almost died.

    my leg is no better then it was when all this started if anything it might even be worse, I am going through a really bad phase of depression again with the pain which has also taken a toll on my appetite as I feel so sick with pain and like I said the depression is pretty bad I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy 

    The following pic is my leg in its current state and some of you may say oh it's not that bad but tell me this would you like it if you couldn't have a proper shower or go swimming, I can't even go out in public for the fear of getting kicked in the leg or getting another infection in it.

    I guess I just needed to vent a little as I have been locked in the house for so long waiting for the hospital to do something and I think I may have a bit of cabin fever.


    So like I said if want to view the pic you can ........





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  3. Update

    So I have just got home from a 1hr doctors appointment and what I would like to think is good news is that my doctor is pushing for me to have surgery on my leg its a step in the right direction and if all goes well will be one less thing to worry about, just to fill you in on my leg because of the condition I have I have a wound a little bit bigger then a 50 cent piece on my shine and it has never healed . Hopefully, this surgery will fix this once and for all, I don't know when it's going to happen I just know he is ringing the hospital now to put the hard word on them.


    Thank you to all for your kind words and yes we are all family, you are all like brothers to me.

    • <3 5

  4. 22 minutes ago, 1LT Xiverta said:

    i dig this and it would be more fun for cops and this might only be me but it makes more things that can happen and i like events like this and not driving around SYD waiting for the every now and then bank also can any tell me the cool down timers for the banks or a link to where they are.

    9 - Robberies

    9.1 Eight-Police officers must be online to rob the Westpac bank, Ten for Brisbane bank and Twelve for the Federal Reserve.

    9.2 You must declare on the Police when robbing any of the gas stations however, banks (Westpac, Neri and Fed) are KOS on all cops involved.

    9.3 Any hostile action done to either the bank robbers or the police responding to the bank done by an unrelated gang/third party will be considered RDM.

    9.4 Bank robberies (Westpac, Brisbane and Federal Reserve) all have cooldowns before they can be robbed.

    9.4.1 The cooldown between robberies of different banks is 2 Hours, the cooldown starts at the start of the robbery.

    9.4.2 Westpac has a cooldown time of one hour.

    9.4.3 Brisbane Bank has a cooldown time of one and a half hours.

    9.4.4 Federal Reserve has a cooldown time of three hours.

    9.4.5 Declarations for Banks and Fed only go within the immediate area of the bank, combat in areas deemed unreasonable may be seen as a rule break. With exceptions with Snipers within 2km of the robbery.

    9.5 You may not randomly join in the bank/fed robbery or sneak around unarmed and act as a bystander then pull out a gun and assist.

    9.6 There cannot be more than 15 gang members on at one time (under the same tags) partaking in the same activities.

    9.7 Gangs must rob the banks for the robbery itself and must roleplay an escape once the bank is over. They can’t wait around for the pleasure of killing police officers. This will be seen as Fail RP.

    9.8 Touching off a bank robbery and running away for the benefit of baiting cops or annoying other players will be seen as FailRP. 


    that should help you out @1LT Xiverta

    • <3 1