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Cheese With Wholegrain

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About Cheese With Wholegrain

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    New Comer
  1. Cheese With Wholegrain

    30 minutes is a long time maybe something like 3-5
  2. Cheese With Wholegrain

    Fobby Mc Fobface or FOB Bunnings
  3. Cheese With Wholegrain

    Night stalker just looks right
  4. Cheese With Wholegrain

    So I have flown helos in single player and rank my self as decent. I was thinking, a co pilot spot where aspiring pilots like me pair up with the more experienced, the training pilot will have the controls and the experienced one can take over if needed.
  5. Cheese With Wholegrain

    So I was talking to decibel about this one. A day or two where we try to as close as we can mimic the adf. Idk really when, Anzac Day seems fitting placing for this as it is an Australian military commemoration. Some ideas for the gear are Mtp (multicam) Everything (the adf are changing to multicam soon,sas already using it) Trg 21 with nightstalker scope (close as I think is possible to the steyr) And we use Ghosthawks (Blackhawks)
  6. Cheese With Wholegrain

    Auscam on everything as it is an Australian server.