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Posts posted by Jereleet

  1. Yeah for sure, no disrespect taken.

    I know a lot of people grumble about mines, I too grumble when I get killed by mines at key locations, but they're part of the game, that's just how it is.

    I've lost vehicles just as I pull them out of storage, which sucks, that's one of the places when vehicles are most vulnerable, at least for heli's.

    But getting constantly bombarded at the gunstore, sucks more. Which is why I always seek to block them with fortifications and mines. If a tank wants to assault a gunstore, it needs to be ready to pay the price.

    So I guess, given that, I agree with you in a sense.

    If Jacob wants to develop a timer, I wouldn't be opposed to it.

    • Like 1

  2. Sluggah, I assume you are referring to the south gunstore and the camp Maxwell hill? Two viable counters I can think of (and use) for this, are just putting up a few canal walls or hesco barriers, which are indestructible and stop the tanks being able to shoot in, or if you can't be stuffed with that, just put slam mines all over the camp Maxwell hill, and AP mines around the vehicle storage. 
    That will put a stop to them pesky tanks from storage.

  3. That update was a good one, missions are far more attainable now.

    I did a couple on the weekend, if you stay more than 600 meters away, and find semi decent cover, the AI will struggle to hit you.

    They will start moving towards you and attempt to flank you, which is good. If you can't get them all quickly, you need to re position, which is a nice challenge.

    Sniping is now a viable option for missions.

    • Like 1

  4. Only just catching up on all this now.

    My experience on the server has been that the weapon spawns are spot on.
    In my first spawn, on the server when I first started, I think I spawned in Houdan, couldn't find a gun in that town, but I did find bag, clothes, and food.
    Ran to the next town Dourdan, (both are relatively small towns), I found 9mm pistol and a Vermin.
    Both with ammo. Then I found a suppressor and SMG scope for the Vermin. I was pretty pumped.
    From that point I just made my way to the safe zone and tried to co-ordinate with other players.
    Since then I've had no issues finding weapons lying around. There is like a small 1 room, light blue coloured guard house kinda building at the entrance to the safe zone. I've noticed this building has a shotgun spawn in it 50% of the time I check.
    The other 50% of the time its either a pistol or some food. So good building to check.

    I understand this is just my experience, but I have heard from others who have been on that have had similar.
    I don't agree that every single spawn you have, you should find a gun in the first town you spawn in. Sure it is nice if you do, but I don't think there is anything wrong with sneaking out, making the 5 - 10 minute run to the next town and finding one there.
    Malden's not a massive map. The towns aren't far apart.

    • Like 1

  5. On 12/1/2018 at 1:38 AM, [AI] STALKER said:

    The words P v E and EXILE are not meant to co - exist.

    1. The thrill of exile is : " **** yes we cleared that mission of all the AI , and roving AI vehicles without taking a dam loss.... go us "
         followed almost immediately by another team's comms " Contact 4'o clock... distance ranged ... 500 meters ... 3 targets on edge of tree line reference Red stone wall .... wait for signal "

    2. The risk of exile is : Those guys who just watched you clear the mission .... waited for you to waltz up to the crate and loot... and then dropped you and your mates because this is not a PvE minecraft server ... and other people have guns and will use them to kill you and take your loot. Completing a mission does not equal " I earned the loot ". 

    3. The Goal of exile is : Those bastards who keep killing people at missions and stealing the loot ....... have a really big base ... lets go raid those bastards and make that loot OUR loot "
    Communications as follows " Hey mate .. remember how we had those 12 level 3 safes full of all that stolen loot ..... "
    " Yea mate ........ wait .. what do you mean .. Had ? "

    I agree with this point completely. It should be difficult, visceral, and plenty of room for things to go wrong. PvEvP, is the most difficult.



    On 12/1/2018 at 12:37 PM, Asnee said:

    4.  Vehicle spawns on map are fine .. ONLY if you are running the server on a dedicated box .... make sure that the server runs an actual clean up script .... and take into account that for every vehicle you allow to spawn on the map ... takes away the value of vehicles you need to purchase. Free stuff has no value. Earn it to keep it.

    Give players the ability to spawn in a quad bike (* Not push bike as the arma 2 asset can and does defeat TANKS in a head on collision ... and no exile server should run tanks... *)
    by sacrificing a non usable item such as toilet paper which other wise is a pointless item spawn on your loot table ... which brings me to .....

    In terms of spawning in a quad bike, the way webbie has it at the moment is you can spawn in a mountain bike, I think that is enough. Wouldn't want to make it to easy.
    At the moment, I've noticed vehicle spawns are on the map yes, but quite rare. In 3 - 4 hours of game play, I cam across 1 vehicle that wasn't a bicycle or part of a mission. I would say that is rare enough, or almost too rare.
    So yes, I agree.


    On 12/1/2018 at 12:37 PM, Asnee said:

    5. Loot tables : You need to define these clearly as : Low tier (Think altis life civilian legal gear - or in other words - shit ) and medium ( Think up to 7.62 ) and keep those spawns in military areas or clearly define those areas as military spawn loot.

    Every item you ALLOW to spawn for players .... removes the VALUE of that item in MISSION LOOT.   Spawn items are not contested by 10-20 AI with static MGs and roving armed vehicles.

    So i strongly advise that anything you want the players to actually value and FIGHT over .... do not include in NORMAL MAP LOOT TABLES. Period.
    Example : If you allow a 9.3 Cyrus to spawn in a military base... im not fighting for that on a tier 4 sniper camp mission. No point.
    But make that item ONLY attainable via either BLACK MARKET non safe zone trader ... or via a high tier mission ... and Cyrus's just gained VALUE and not everyone is sniping from 1600 meters away with a suppressor and a LRPS ....

    6. BLACK MARKETS :  So .. you have limited what you are allowing on the SPAWN TABLE ... now you can add those items you still want to appear in game into (A) Black markets ... and (B) mission only loot.       My advise here is to allow anything that is MISSION ATTAINABLE but not LOOT TABLE attainable ... to be purchased HERE ONLY. 

    Including ammo and attachments.

    And BAM ..... shit has value.

    Dunno about this, it's starting to sound a bit like Altis Life, I don't like Altis Life.


    As to your last few points about missions, sure, all of that can be incorporated, if webbie is up for it.
    Certainly wouldn't hurt gameplay.



  6. We did well last night guys, got pretty hairy there towards the end when everyone started running out of ammo and we were getting hit from the north, south and west at the same time, but we had great medics and good co-ordination, I had lots of fun.

  7. These are changes that I have discussed with both Opfor and Blufor players. And almost all of them agree.

    I'd like to put forward a few suggestions in terms of the Token economy.
    In that I would like to see it expanded.
    Specifically in terms of starting gear upgrades.

    At the moment we only have 1 option for weapons and armour.
    Improved Spawn Gun - Sting 9mm - 40 tokens
    Improved Spawn Armour - lvl 3 vest and helmet - 25 tokens (if memory serves)

    For arguments sake, lets call that tier 3.
    Imagine a tier 2 and tier 1 upgrade, that is cheaper on tokens, but adds less of an advantage (though still more of an advantage than fresh spawn gear).

    For example, Tier 1 and 2 could be:

     Improved Spawn Gun - Zubr - for 10 tokens
     Improved Spawn Gun - PDW - for 20 tokens

    In terms of armour Tier 1 and 2 could be:
    Improved Spawn Armour - EGB harness and lvl 1 helmet - 8 tokens
    Improved Spawn Armour - press vest or whatever vest is appropriate and lvl 2 helmet - 15 tokens

    I see this as having many benefits:
    - It makes token gear upgrades accessible to a much wider range of players, without  diminishing the superiority of the upgrades that hardcore players have already invested in.
    - Once players have invested in permanent upgrades, it ties them to the server more.
    - It also gives potentially casual players something to aim for, as opposed to the largely unobtainable 40 token sting and 25 token armour.
    - It will provide variety on the battlefield as opposed to everyone just running around in either fresh spawn gear or full lvl 5 armour kit/ghillies.
    - It will ensure that some of the lesser used weapons and armour items in the game actually see some use.
    - In cases where new players are spawning in without a gun (which is still prevalent), it gives them an option to overcome that glitch using in game attainable token purchases, thereby reducing the pressure on Jacob to find and fix every single individual.
    - It adds more customizability (not a word) to the server.


    I don't really care at all what the actual items are per tier, happy for that to be discussed. I was just using those items as an example. This is more for the suggestion of an introduction of tiers.

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  8. On 11/19/2018 at 10:25 PM, marchedpack87 said:

    YESSS please make an exile. But please dont make it PVE....i think majority can agree with me, we are all frag hungry aha. Again love all the other ideas above GL and hope you find it worth it. 

    PvPvE is perfect. Both have their value.

    Great to hear that most people are as interested in this as I am.

  9. I've always liked Exile, I'd play it.

    I know I've been getting a lot of questions about base building from players on the wasteland server over the past few weeks.

    A few weeks back, we went through like a big influx of base building as well, there were bases popping up all over the place.

    So there is certainly an appetite out there for this sort of game play.
    Broadly, I've always felt that PvP (with AI missions) is the best way to keep exile from feeling stale. It's a long term game mode, that you play over months, not necessarily hours or days.
    But yep, I'm interested.

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