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Everything posted by martin

  1. martin

    you will need to make. but if you ask really nicely.... they properly still won't do. IDK
  2. martin

    to help-desk
  3. martin

    nice but i would say to much motion blur and the snap in & outs are a bit to quick properly slow them down. Heres a helpfully video.
  4. martin

    Good Day Base, Martin here. i would happy to help with any type of question you would like to ask. and if your looking for some good mates there are plenty others looking for the same. To first answer to your questions is the difference between us and the other gents - well i'm not sure how dark-side actual does there server but - We have a large population with a lot of activities with more been planned everyday. - We also have a live economy system (so prices changes depends on what happens to buying and selling items) - An active crew of staff and events been done regularly. - An advance ticket system to make sure you get the best and quickest service possible. You might even see me hiding in a bush somewhere. or in trouble said the staff an in-game message or head up to help-desk to be assisted.
  5. martin

    Good day mate enjoy your stay.
  6. martin

    "hire ballsy news reporters" Got it.
  7. martin

    Good Day All. On Saturday 11/11/2017 is Remembrance day. To honour the troops of the past that served our country and lost their lives fighting for Australia, New Zealand and the Commonwealth. At 4:00pm AEST there commence a march and a to travel so keep an eye out for them. and have a moment of silence for them. Everyone is welcome to participate in the march. TIME TABLE 3:45PM AEST Meet at designated position. [Will be visible on the map] 4:00PM AEST March Commences [ Track will be laid out] AFTER A MARCH LATER Silence then Ending. Staff will be present this is a NON HOSTILE EVENT RP I wish every a splendid day. if you have any inquires please message myself @martin
  8. martin

    US AL STAFF NEVER STEP SO LOW! "Do not correct me"
  9. martin

    If you gents are looking for a server to just do a few Zeus missions with the other gentlemen a server called Strayagaming | Fun Box [ FYI No mods] is currently running. the server has 29 player slots with a Zeus slot called Maj. Green. I've tried to focus around the mil-sim idea but the server can be played in any type of mindset. the mission file is custom made which means i'm still working on. but the server is there for you guys to have a fun game with the lads.
  10. martin

    Martin doesn't know how he mis-uses a lock-on RPG in Arma.
  11. martin

    "What happens regularly in escape from missions"
  12. martin

    MEANWHILE IN AL CITY "Martin Thought it was going to be an easy day"
  13. martin

    Hi Chris J, The discussion of law enforcement been retained from rebel gangs is an interesting argument however would not work. The reason behind this would be. With you first argument is the one of the primary reason police and rebel aren't restrained is due to numbers. Restraining players to one faction will only discourage people joining the faction in the first place due to the fear of been "trapped" to one faction only. It will also harshly affect your numbers of on cop due to forcing players to make them pick a side most people will pick the free side. With learning new tactics. All are shared half of the PD tactics came from rebel and vice-versa. And do note people in high ranking position are there for good reason (half the time ) Will that's me its difficult to type on phone.
  14. martin

    During a cold and stormy night, you are enjoying the comforts of your own home. When there is a knock on the door, three knocks in perfect sync, it bumps all the thinking process into action. Your muscle starts to cry has you remove yourself from the couch. Dry eyes as you remove your sight from the television that’s repeating an mafia movie and blackness fills your vision as you approach the door you start to hear the rain drops outside the door hitting the pavement. Thoughts start to enter your head, this late out night whose there, is he armed, someone is outside this door thoughts go through your mind one after another before you realize you are standing in front the door and man is standing on the other side. You grab the door knob with a fierce grip, twist and turn and the door opens wide. A tall black figure stands just before you, clinching a small envelope. Your mind fills with words but your mouth to parched to say them. He lifts his arms to deliver the envelope you look up to the drenched man however the envelope remains like it was made yesterday. Your arm reaches out to take the envelope you grasping the letter taking care not to crease it. The man lets go and his arm flops down to his side his other arm raises and he tilts his hat every so carefully and leaves into the darkness he disappears right in front of you as you rub your eyes and closed the door behind you. You move yourself to the table and you pull out the chair for you to slob on. You open the envelope to a nicely written letter. The letter reads. Will you accept the invitation to the ball on the 27th of August at 5:30 O'clock Western Australian time if you do Respond with I accept. Things to remember STRICT ROLE PLAY – Break it and you will be broken…painfully. Any Gate Crashers will be eliminated from this earth before they get close to the gate. You may only share what you have gain in person I don’t think you have telepathic abilities but neither do bullets. Don’t bring guns because our security has bigger ones and god mode. Also only a selected number of people can come so get in quick. real threatening sorry WARNING This event requires some very good investigation and listing skills each bit of dialogue could help or not so make sure to pay attention.
  15. martin

    ' warning, This post was created for the reports and details of ECHO COMPANY events because why not..." The Government population of Altis have question the ADF and the actions of Echo company. the Unit was relocated to Altis due to Australian government grew worried for the island defense from CSAT forces. These are the reports of the activate officers on the ground in altis. COMPLETE MISSIONS: 4 [TRANSPORT MISSION] [UNKNOWN MISSION] [UNKNOWN MISSION] [SURPRISE INVASION]
  16. G'day ladies & gentlemen Now with recent sightings and reports its a fact that combat logging is on the rise with offenses committed. Due to this Altis Life Staff will be focusing on the Combat logging and will start to deal harsher punishments for people with prior offenses against their name (regardless if they have been banned or watchlisted). Do remember Gents & Ladies that Combat Logging is still against the rules this also applies when you have died. EXAMPLES Been restrained by police then Logging = Combat logging Been KIA and then Logging before respawning = Combat logging been in an active dec with another player/gang then logging = Combat logging Logging out during a raid from police / Rebels = Combat logging Gents I do highly recommend that you avoid Combat Logging as it ruins the gameplay for you (because you'll be removed) and the other players. if you have any queries feel free to contact HELP-DESK on Teamspeak or Contact @Lotza | @Snowwie SaiyajiN | @Subnoize | @martin & Altis life Moderation Team
  17. martin

    Brotherly Love...
  18. martin

    G'day Mate The names Martin Welcome to the community we hope you enjoy your stay.
  19. CIVILIAN CONTRACTORS With the recent talks with the members of each civilian contractor groups you guys have express your thoughts and concerns with the faction. this is what was discussed at the meeting (or most of it) regarding you gents. the future of the Civilian Contracting. AGENDA Stipulations and questions Robbing - should not be going on unless your conducting an inspection because it goes against morals as a contractor. FEEDBACK: This is to be set in stone. Communicate well with the police FEEDBACK: For the both parties to enjoy themselves and to be highly successful, participation is required by both parties (so guys try not to dick each other around). Clothing - Individualised clothing?? FEEDBACK: with the adding new business areas there is a chance to add clothing Just for Civilian contractors Clothing planned to be added: Suits that are retextured to suit more serious areas and nice black and white casual and tie military type uniforms for the intended use to identify by eyes people to deal with only two types of clothing are really needed. Vest simple vests: the new pilot crew vest = Level 2 Certain weapons for Civ Contractors?? FEEDBACK: If this was to be added it would not be major maybe just a few assault rifles (Spars and Cars) and handguns Tasers for Civ Contractors FEEDBACK: assigned to faction cannot be done same with knockdown rounds / Martin talk to devs? most likely answer No. Asked for Revive FEEDBACK: Martin said no Civ Contractors asking for unarmed Hellcat / Strider that doesn’t look rebel. Skins???? FEEDBACK: The unarmed hellcat might be added with a custom texture and same goes for the strider. 13.2 Don’t agree with 1 contract can this be changed or looked at? FEEDBACK: Discussing with B33f however I’m pushing to get this changed to you can either have unlimited number of contracts OR having 1 per gang, Business, Cartel, etc. ( ß I like this one) Current Civilian contractor RULES (kind of): Civilian Contractors will consult ONLY with the commissioner where an individualised document will be written up with procedures and guidelines for their roleplay. Document needs to be agreed and signed upon before that group can conduct the duties. 13.1 Contractors can only help the police during bank and federal robberies, they cannot do police activities. FEEDBACK: ALL G. 13.2 Civilian Contractors can organise a contract with any faction on the server, however the strict caveat to such activities is they must only manage one contract at a time. (Contract with Cartel to provide full security detail for their respective field, that’s there only contract and cannot be altered unless the contract ceases). FEEDBACK: Discussing with B33f however I’m pushing to get this changed to you can either have unlimited number of contracts OR having 1 per gang, Business, Cartel, etc. [EDIT: Having having 1 contract per gang, Business, Cartel, etc. Was the intended rule was misinterpret] 13.3 Contractors must be paid in full prior to any commencement of work. FEEDBACK: ALL G 13.4 Contractors may buy approved weapons from the commissioner only through the forums. (Template to fill out). FEEDBACK: Ask the commissioner to see approved firearms 13.4.1 Commissioner is required to reply to document within 2 days FEEDBACK: ALL G 13.4.2 Deputy Commissioner in the absence of the Commissioner if on holidays or leave may represent and take authority of weapons contract. FEEDBACK: ALL G ADDED: 13.5 Civilian Contractors can’t ‘rob’ players, they can perform a ‘inspection’ these inspections can only be legit if the Contractors have a RP reason behind it following the respected authority and (if applicable) the contract. 13.5.1 Civilian contractors cannot rob for the reason of gaining another players Gear. 13.5.2 Gear can be seized for reason of it been illegal or an active warrant has been placed on that player then gear may be taken (Check the police BD for what’s illegal). BASES: The bases for civilian contractors should be focusing on looking like a business (a proper one) the bases can hold and should hold a few facilities, a few that should be included are. 1. The HQ – for the main area to buy you equipment and to plan with future business partners. 2. Garage- equipped for Trucks and Cars and a helipad. 3. Compound for storage and parking of vehicles. 5. (maybe) a storage area for equipment and items taken, received and rewarded by the business to be stored here. Now those are what there is nearly everything to discuss. I do highly recommend leaving your thoughts and other ideas for the staff and the server to look at. The gentlemen who are related to Altis Life directly any inquires Message me or one of the follow gents (the best on top and the second best on the bottom) @Snowwie @Lotza @LuckyB33f @ExcelForce @Sam01 @Seal @SmO @surey @TH3GamingBanana I do wish you a G’day Gentlemen.
  20. Re-purpose the Gang bases would be no Not only the rebels that have them Duh... The community as-well. and other staff (like myself and you i think) would disagree. Because it would only be doing not much except be changing Rebel to Civ and making a few people upset. Placing the locations business could be located near but not in the cities 1 per city outskirts.
  21. Attention Civilian Contractors @Axle_Tiaky @Busker and what ever Ghilly's is I know you lads have been a-bit out of touch when it come to the server and some are even clueless about a few areas. So i'm going to fix that on. Saturday 10/08/17 6:00 Pm UTC +8:00 (WA TIME) I'll be hosting a small get together to discuss what will be happening in the future with you gents. do note that i'm doing this to discuss future plans, suggestions & ideas, the do's + Don'ts and more. Make sure i see you there, it will be in the event Channel named 'Contractors Talks' All are welcome.
  22. martin

    Will this is interesting post. I've listed all my response in the order to every comment so have a gander and see what i think you don't need to agree or disagree. 1. in my statement i do believe if you are frozen put it nicely but you are literally shooting fish in a barrel after you killed the piranhas. 2. at the moment and time with other banks been disabled so that cops can have time (most likely after they got their heads blown off by a 7.62) so they can regain and rearm instead of dealing with a bank every 30-mins ( this has since been fix with the new changes). 3. good luck trying to get a car or even a bike up stairs + not the correct language to be using on the forums. 4. No comment 5. Brings up valid points that need to be taken in to the planning area. At the moment time the only thing the cops really have going for them are their non-lethal with the one hit your done method so the banks will most likely not be turned on until the police have a command structure and some people to do some of the more heavy duties. 6. No comment 7. unfortunately the way some or most police were doing their operations and handling just in general the server the plan was to give it an entire fresh start while keeping the majority of the units. however i do believe in majority of staff will agree with me that doing the demotion was some fourth coming we tried nearly every other tactic meetings, demotions, promotions, stricter procedures, changed commissioners not much really worked and so true, sam and the rest of Altis Life admins agreed that this plan had to do it and in most part it did. 8. No comments 9. Good points having something that will protect you when you are been frozen is quiet nice in that case you just need to really on your buddies to do the hard work while you are punching the teller in the face to give you money. 10. we knew exactly what would happen when we demoted every one to Prop.C, in-fact we were kinda expecting to lose the majority of cop (will i was), we knew this would affect the entire server and how things are done and we nailed it with a toothpick. As i said through the other statement that we were left with a limited amount of choices and the plans we did have we believe wouldn't work the mass demotion was a HUGE wake up call for everyone not just for cops but for the entire server remember if the cop force fails the server fails. with banks as-well that there would be no competition, no Rp, no anything because cops don't want to deal because they can't, everyone knows the feeling driving in a car towards there objective only to be shot and killed before they get there with someone with a hand gun (that actual happens a lot to often i would say). with it so they have been disabled only for a little while until brad gets some got people in the command team. SRT tried and failed that's clear as day, OSG that's still, probably, maybe still active no idea really. the main reason why lower ranks doesn't have the good stuff is pretty much the exact reason why SRT got disbanded, they WILL abuse it and that's also why that the banks have been disabled so the command team can get people who are reliable to help with this banks, negotiations, plannings, training, everything so that everyone is in a good level with knowledge and experience to not get killed every 5 mins. I know it sucks but that what happens when things get too out of hand that Operation leads+ need to get involved. 11. and... theirs Stevie 12. that was a big factor 13. no comment 14. SP gang was (in my opinion) started to fall when the main boys left aka true and some other blokes i cant remember, you had dozens of members come and go within the weeks when you guys lost started to loss respect from other players that started to play a big factor (Sorry SP gang but i needed to be blunt i know a good chunk of you boys are in-fact good lads).
  23. martin

    G'day mate the names Martin short for Marty long for Martinez I'll like to welcome you to the community and i hope you enjoy your future days with us. See you around mate
  24. martin

    I agree with this on a certain level. (Playing under a different name or not) The current why Cop operates with this rule. You may rob Bank: Neri / Westpac but only as Civ and with a Civ RP reason "i need money for my family" Etc. Federal cannot be robbed by Civ unless that person accesses the Rebel area to grab the correct equipment to break in making that person a rebel. As soon as you buy a rebel Licence and/or Buy any-type of Illegal Gear you are considered a rebel and there for in threat of losing your position in the command team and/or a division unit. My opinion: i am more then happy for our command team to play Civ in a unofficial (not registered on the forums) gang to have a bit of simple fun and to do a bit of "questionable deeds" but it must be a NON-rebel gang for that person to remain in the Command team. i believe the rest of the High command team will agree (hopefully).