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Everything posted by Kurtiz

  1. Declaration of Application: - By placing this Application you are not guaranteed placement in the Academy. Your Application for Academy Officer in the APD may be Denied if you answers do not meet the minimum word limit, you lie in your answers, have an unsatisfactory history of Server Rule Breaches/ Protocol Breaches or fail to agree and acknowledge all statements and declarations in this Application. You Application may also be Denied after an Interview with a member of the Academy Officer. If you application is Denied a time frame will be placed after which you may reapply. Acknowledgement of Declaration: (Y/N) Y Basics: - Name on Database: KurtizNZ Callsign: K27M Rank: Senior Constable Age: 16 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department Academy (100 words min)?: I want to join the APD Academy as I feel like it would be the best way for me to help the APD when I go back to School so that I can still support the APD in the background. I want to have more responsibility within the APD and I see the Academy the way for me to do that by helping the new people to the force get Whitelisted and to do their training. I want to have an effect on the APD and its future and help the Force grow and be better than before. I am also looking to increase my diversity and involvement in the APD. I am looking for more responsibility and influence in the APD. I also really want to help people get into the APD and its great community. What can you bring to the Academy? (50 words min)?: I am a responsible and hardworking person, I am trustworthy and reliable. I am Relaxed, I do things by the book or I can think on my feet to solve problems. I am good a conflict resolution, and I can communicate well and get my Opinion across as well as take others opinions onboard as well. I am a detective so I am trusted with Sensitive information and I know how things get done in divisions. Do you wish to work in Enlistment or Training? Why? (50 words min)?: I would prefer to work in Enlistment, this is because I want to help the new Prob.Constable to the Police force. I also as school starts up my game time will reduce by a bit and I want to help the APD and Academy people as much as possible out of game and in team speak. I feel that Enlistment would be the best way to do this. I would also be keen to help out in training as I am keen to help people out as much as possible. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: I can dedicate about 10-15 hours a Week, Will be closer to 10 when school gets into full swing Have you ever been the subject of Disciplinary Action within the APD? If so when and why? No Conclusion: - Have you read the Altis Police Department Protocols?: (Y/N) Y Have you read the Altis Police Department Academy Staff Guidelines?: (Y/N) Y Do you acknowledge that by partaking in illegal or 'Rebel' activities you do not have the right to apply for Speciality Divisions within the APD such as SRT, POLAIR, Detectives and The Police Academy: (Y/N) Y By placing this application you acknowledge that any work you do for the APD can be edited by the Command Team and other Academy Officers without your consent. Any work you do for the APD remains the property of the APD. Any "Code Black" information you are given is to remain unreleased into the Community.
  2. Kurtiz

    @LuckyB33f had a good idea about a gang base kind of capture the flag thing, where a gang would fight for a base and then after a time they then would have to defend that base from another gang trying to take it off them, the base you have to have some pretty cool things in it to make it worth while to fight for. But I think seeing something like this would be good and will add something for the rebels/clans/gangs to do. Link the to the original post;
  3. Kurtiz

    So basically there is a few things I have noticed with some posts on the forums in Altis Life. Some people have been suggesting that the cops could be doing a better job than what we are currently doing. I'm interested in what people are thinking about how we are doing, any suggestions on what we could improve on as a Police Force currently and keep in mind there are some big changes going on within the PD and there is a teething process taking place. Basically I want to here your opinion and if you do have complaints about a specific officer or a specific incident then you should put in a form and/or talk to the Command team about it and get it dealt with. The form is linked here; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdT5mXVtKz1SpyleUeFjHCp6Ikt5xXuKSo9LJg7QsVgLo2H9Q/viewform# This has nothing to do with anyone higher up, I am just interested, as a constable and dealing with GD a fair amount, in what some people think, and If this post does turn toxic and if this turns into dig into the police or people in the police then I will either Hide it or Get an Mod to Lock it. Keep the comments general to what the Police can IMPROVE on. So lets have a discussion, like grown ups, say what you see the cops doing well, and Suggest on what we could improve on. Again IF THERE IS ANY NEGATIVE COMMENTS/ATTACKS AGAINST SPECIFIC PEOPLE OR THE APD THIS POST WILL BE LOCKED. Cheers Boys.
  4. Kurtiz

    I agree with @FrankNZ but I also can clearly see where @LuckyB33f is coming from. You don't just want to throw people into the role of mod if they cannot be trusted and will abuse the power/privilege that the role comes with. But I also think there is a lack of mods, and at times this is extremely noticeable. I'm on the fence about it but I think my opinion for now will be don't just add people to mod because they are needed, that will not be the smartest move.
  5. Kurtiz

    It is cause you give me a good role play reason to be landing there. So I just roll with it and give you a warning lol. EDIT; But its algood bro, I only really want to give tickets to people who are being a dick or if it was extremely Blatant that they broke the law and knew they were doing so.
  6. Kurtiz

    Hell no, I'm not his biggest fan right now, especially after what he and his mates just tried to pull on me, and the whole cop force on at the time. But anyway I'm just saying we should express our opinion in posts without having a Stab at the person who posted it no matter what may have forced them to post it or if your relationship with the person is not good.
  7. Kurtiz

    This is mainly in response to a posts made earlier, not naming but I think we all know what happened, shit went down hill. I am probably not the only one thinking this and I think someone needs to say that we all need to grow up, Including myself, I have done this plenty of times. We need to stop attacking the people when they post something on the forums, no matter how stupid the post might seem to you, they are probably thinking their idea is rather good, although it may not be to the vast majority of us. I do know and understand that we all have an opinion and we all want to be heard but sometimes the way we say things can be taken as an attack on the person, which will cause them to respond and will cause more people to be drawn in to defend each other and will cause a shit storm then a Lock on the post, so the Idea can't be built from and Solutions cannot be found. So really we need, in situations where this may happen is just to have your say, in a polite way, for E.g I don't see this working because ......... (List reasons that you think of), then say a alternate way that the same solution could be achieved or a different way to minimize the problem. We can all have a say but we should just think about what we say, and try make it about the discussion and create a debate not just throwing shit at each other. I am not trying to make it seem like I am the perfect one, I have done this a fair amount when I jut get frustrated at people but I think we all should take a second to think before we post a reply, and as some forum mods have said in some posts "either it gets back on track from dissing each other and throwing shit back and forth and getting nothing out of it or it gets locked." So this may to some people sound like I am stirring the pot but I personally think that sometimes WE (including myself) act like children on the forums and I think that we are all better than that. There will be people that still act like this an will attack either this post or any others that come after this and I hope that the Forum Mods will punish them accordingly.
  8. Kurtiz

    Exactly, everyone is allowed an opinion, however it needs to be said in a why that doesn't insult the other person or their idea
  9. Kurtiz

    Of course there should be an advantage to the gang who are defending as they have fought hard and well to try take over the base, however there should no me a massive advantage given to the defending side, there needs to be cover for the Attacking team to use, and I do really like the idea the @diamondwing had about taking out the gang leader, that would be very cool and bring in some more advanced tactics rather than just attack the base from different directions.
  10. Kurtiz

    This would be a great idea to add something for Gangs to do between each other, instead of just focusing on police. I would add that what if there was one base in a location that could act like a gang base with Processing for drugs or a Weapon shop that has weapons from the KOS zone at a reduced price because they have put in the effort to take the base, however there would need to be a limited stock so that guys don't just stock pile the weapons during the week that they have the base, basically a better gang base, and there can be as you said 1 base attack per week. I think there would need to be a limit to how many players per gang can take part as you could get gangs that could show up with 15 vs a gang that has only like 5 -6 people online. And once they take this base they can then use it for the week for Drug processing or whatever they want for the week then they have to defend it from the gang who wants to try take it over. It need to be in a location where the attackers have cover from the gang defending. The gang leader that owns the base will put say 6 -7 names to the Mods who will then white list them to then use the Base so that no one else can take advantage of the perks that fighting for the base gives the gang. IMO I think there could be a few Requirements to do during the week to make a gang eligible to then fight for the base, maybe they need to hit Westpac and Brisbane because then this will give the Cops some action as well as Rebels and I think it will make the whole experience of this more fun. But yea something like this would be a great addition and would add a whole new dynamic and could be extremely fun.