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Everything posted by Kurtiz

  1. Kurtiz

    Hi, Old player, wondering if the Altis Life Server has become inactive? And if so, Why? Chur
  2. Kurtiz

    We need to land this missile in the ocean
  3. Kurtiz

    Only taken 8 months to be set up. Efficiency at it's finest aye @McCain
  4. Kurtiz

    Pumpkin Eater
  5. Kurtiz

    lol that's crack up
  6. Kurtiz

  7. Kurtiz

    Link plz
  8. Kurtiz

  9. Kurtiz

    Okay all I am going to say AGAIN, is that there are people working on re-working the Judicial System, and anyone with any ideas should comment/quote this post that I can see them. Lets just leave it at this and if you do have Legal System Experience then please Contact me as I would be interested in talking with you. THIS PROCESS WILL NOT HAPPEN OVER NIGHT! YOU NEED TO REMAIN PATIENT The more these posts keep coming up we need to waste more time replying to these posts rather than working on the Laws. AGAIN IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM, PLEASE QUOTE THIS POST SO I SEE IT OR PM ME!!!! End.......
  10. Kurtiz

    All I can say is that @Lotza and @Pezza are working on reworking the Judicial System so that People will actually use it and it will be an effective source of Role-Play. It will take time to sort it out, there is a large amount of work to do. This WILL NOT HAPPEN OVER NIGHT. Trust me, be patient, it is also very good to see that people are wanting the system to be rebuilt as it shows that people want to use the system.
  11. Kurtiz

    As some people may be aware I have been rather Inactive over the last like 2-3 weeks. Well basically the shot sweet answer is I just cbf playing the server right now when everything to me is boring. So I'm taking a break and playing other games, and I will occasionally be on the TS either in my channel or in the Music Bot channel but yea. If ya need me best be quick when I'm on, I only stay on the TS for like 20 min max, maybe more if I feel adventurous. I will be remaining in active until ya see me on for more than 10 min for like 3 days in a row. P.s - Plz dont demote me on Cop or Medic. Thanks But yea, if ya need to talk or anything just poke me when I am on or Add me on steam, http://steamcommunity.com/id/kurtiznz Cheers
  12. Yea, tbh I would be more active if this was active as it is something I would be keen on working my way up the 'ranks'. Just everything right now is Stale and so boring for me. I want to do something new on the server and in the community
  13. Kurtiz

    When you donated: 1/01/2018Server: Altis LifeUsername: KurtizPlayerID: 76561198163643426If AL what tier is the breakdown (eg. $30 = tier 3 for 1 month or tier 1 for 3 months): Tier 1 for 1 Month Processed - Connor
  14. Kurtiz

  15. Kurtiz

    Yea sounds good, and seems bout right tbh, but it does get to a point where u could be Power Gaming. Just imo I would just keep that in mind. The video is heavily edited and I ain't gonna go into what I think too much, but yea, we need to train Pub's asap. But sometimes the best way for them to learn is to just do and watch the senior officer.
  16. Kurtiz

    and got bored
  17. Kurtiz

    It was Destiny,
  18. So basically I was having a look at the Medic Roster, and I have noticed a rather big issue. Pretty much everyone is inactive, like 80% of white-listed medics are Inactive on the Medic Roster. I am not trying to shit talk people cause I myself am marked as Inactive on the Roster. My reasons for being inactive are basically it is the same stuff day in day out . All you do is revive someone, take them back for Medic Role-Play then Discharge them. There is no real Spice to the Medic Role, not for Paramedics at least, and I think this is a problem because I personally respect the Medics and to anyone who plays Medic Regularly because you are a bloody legend. But the point remains that the Lower ranks are extremely Inactive and I put this down to the lack of variety for the Medic Role. \ Because I don't want to seem like I am making Baseless claims I did some Maths, and I have found that ONLY 14% of the people at the Rank of Paramedic are Currently marked as Active (8/55). There are 50% of Senior Paramedics that are Active (9/18). 67% of ICP's active (6/9) and 50% of SRP's are Active (2/4). So as you can see the main problem is that the Lower ranks have the Highest attrition rate for going Inactive, and as I said before, I believe this is down to the Mundane routine that the Medics do, and I believe that to make more people want to play medic, and to make medic a More fun Experience then there needs to be some form of spice and Interest that makes people want to come back day after day. I personally don't have many ideas right now about how to go about this but when/if I think of some I will chuck some below. If YOU have any ideas or thoughts on this area then please feel free to chuck em' below. Always keen to hear about anyone else's Opinions.
  19. Kurtiz

    Aww sad to see you go, thanks for being a GC
  20. Kurtiz

    +1 Great guy, Does his work in Detectives Extremely well and is a Team player, and a Great Leader. Would do really well in Sergeant Role!
  21. Kurtiz

    Completely understand that. I really do like I&A for the more Mature experience. You still do get run over when on Medic now days as well for me it is just the same mundane stuff, like I played Medic for about 12 Hours after I was White-listed, Not played since, just the same stuff, Unlike in Cop where I could be at Bank, then Hostage Sit, then GD. Constantly Changes, unlike Medic.
  22. Kurtiz

    Okay so correct me if I am wrong, but everyone agrees that Excessive force was used? If so why don't we let the Staff of Internal Affairs handle is, It seems like everyone understands that excessive force was used and I think we don't need to throw shit to each other and try to explain the different perspectives. Yes they are important, but again, I'm pretty sure the main thing wrong with what happened was that there was excessive force and the situation was handled completely inappropriately by the people involved. Again I could be wrong and tbh I have not read all the posts as they are each like an essay
  23. Kurtiz

    I Personally believe that the wrong decision was made at the time and that excessive force was used to control the Crowd. I believe it was just a Extreme circumstance of lack of Judgement by the Cabinet team/ Officers Involved and it has been blown out of Proportion because of the Number of people involved. I am not siding with the police, as the Command/Cabinet members involved should have had Better judgement as they are in such a high Position, you don't get there without knowing what you are doing. Something needs to be done as I believe this incident has struck a chord with people where they now feel that they need to stand up for this being a common occurrence, in small scales.
  24. Kurtiz

    Sad day in Straya's History. May the all Rest In Peace
  25. Kurtiz

    Disappointing to hear that your first time on the Server was a Negative one. If you have the name of an Officer who is struggling with providing a Role-play reason to Detain/restrain you then please feel free to Jump to the Altis Life Issues on our Teamspeak and our Support Team will more than Happily help you resolve the issue and will also try to educate the Officer in better/more effective ways of role-playing. Alternatively you can Fill out a Altis Police Department Officer Complaint Form and the APD Command Team will take care of it. Link to the Form; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdT5mXVtKz1SpyleUeFjHCp6Ikt5xXuKSo9LJg7QsVgLo2H9Q/viewform# If you ever have any more Issues with Altis Life or any Questions on how to do things on any Straya server then again, Jump on to Teamspeak and join the Altis Life Issues, or Relevant Issue Channel (Above Lobby) and we will Help you out. The Teamspeak Address is; ts.straya.life