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Posts posted by Tommo

  1. On 2/28/2018 at 3:37 PM, Pezza said:

    Hello All,

    Over the recent week, a lot of people have been asking me for my opinion on certain issues. I'm here to address as much as I can and hopefully clear some things up regarding Cop, Civ, and Medic.


    The main issue that I've been asked for my opinion is regarding promotions and how they're being given out. 

    In my eyes promotions are deserved, they're not something which should be given out for doing something for a certain amount of time. They're also not something which you gain for backstabbing somebody else.
    Cop has been really and still is quite competitive for promotions; This is good as it keeps people motivated. However, it reaches a certain degree of insanity as people try and backstab people for promotions or a chance to reach a top rank or achieve a senior role. In my eyes if people do something wrong, if it's severely wrong; yes report it to a high rank. However certain people going out of their way to ruin others reputation or report them for everything small thing they do. 

    I love the promotion system however it's gotten to a point that people are trying to pick on other people or are scared they're not going to get promoted. This isn't a system where time gets you everywhere. People get places from being exceptional at doing what they do. Promotion is something which is a reward and not something which is gained by reporting certain cops or being apart of the APD for a certain time.



    There's a lot to be said about civ right now. I'll try and keep it focused on civ's and not in their relation to the cops. 

    I think the highlighted issue with the Civ faction is the ability either; Not to Help Each Other or Pick on the Cops

    Teamwork is an essential part of this game, it's something which can't be avoided in this game or in life. Being apart of a team is vital to surviving and exceeding in this game. You can't do it alone. However, you're able to use the group "Civs" to help you go places. Instead of robbing them, tax them. Make them work for you, where they get some cut. It's a situation where they're new to the server and are trying to establish a working knowledge of this server and how things work. 

    I know @Rhys Beckett is very good and kind when it comes to new players. He see's new people, invites them to his gang. Teaches them the ropes of the server and helps them get on their own feet.

    Whether it's giving them money or even not trying to kill them. This can be beneficial as it keeps them on the server and increases the population. 

    It's good right now, as there are a wide variety of gangs on the server. With the new gang base system it should create some competition, however shouldn't stop groups from working together in other aspects of the game.

    Ok, something I wanted to avoid however here I am finding myself writing about it..... The relationships with Cops. 
    I'm not sure who was on last night, nobody was aware of this, however I was running a bit of an experiment on Cop and Civ. 

    Whilst on Cop:
    I went out and manned CP1. I walked towards the old PC1, within 23 seconds of walking outside city limits I found myself surrounded by 5 striders. It's a situation where the cops don't want to fight however just want to explore the world outside city limits. This will lead back to another post where Civs can't have nice things due to a bad relationship with the cops as they know they're always being baited to situations. 

    Whilst on Civ:
    I was under an alias just standing at Syd bridge it took 4 minutes for me to be cross-fired and killed by a cop. 

    Now I know in both of these scenarios these accidents are waiting to happen. However just wanted to come in and see how bad it really was.



    Where have the Medics Gone? 

    As much as it sucks to say, they've been poached to another server. They were offered high ranking roles in another server and they took the chance. That's there decision to make, however, that's where everybody's gone and I'm sure they'll be back soon. 


    Look, I see it as though people are going at the promotions as individuals, not collective. People should be motivating each other to get promoted, to get better and to just generally improve. Also, medics need to start advertising more, you need more people. I've noticed a lot of people combat reviving, they need to be trained more thoroughly.  

    With the Rhys Beckett (Void and Aobe) issue, it is hard for cops to follow protocols and AL rules in this situations. Most of these "cartels" or gangs carry Navid's, Zafirs, etc to PC1 to get frags. For us mainstream cops it is hard to do our job while on GD. We get decc'd on constantly, and there is no way for us to defend ourselves without following VLR. I'm not saying that they have to cease their actions, but their should be a limit. I don't mind the continuous declarations, but I have noticed, new civs and cops have been finding it extremely hard to get into the habits of the server. I only see two main gangs on the server now-a-days; Void and Aobe. This makes it really difficult to start up your own gang because the bigger gangs go down on these new players like there's no tomorrow.  

    At the end of the day, Altis life is a roleplay server, and it should be kept that way.

    If you guys have any other opinions about this please message me :)

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  2. On 3/31/2018 at 6:12 PM, Slep. said:

    For Civ:

    I'd say the best place to start on Altis Life would be to start off doing some small time runs (i.e peaches or apples) to get your player economy up. These runs can be found in all of the major cities and only require a small vehicle like an offroad or even a quadbike. To be honest if you're doing runs in Kavala/Sydney you really need a gun to defend yourself. I'd start in Athria or Pygros to keep away from bein robbed, then move over to Kavala if you want.

    After you've done that, go save up for a helicopter (or truck) and licence training for a larger run such as copper or iron. Do a few of those then move to illegal runs, just be careful of Cops and other gangs protecting their drug fields. Also go get a rebel/contractor/cartel licence so you can get some better gear.

    For Cop:

    Jump on as a pubslot officer and learn how to be a cop. You can make a lot of money by being a cop (same with ems) as your paycheck is $5000 compared the $1000 of civ. Also you get cheap weapons and gear, but you have to adhere to their protocols (like not give gear away). To become white listed you need minimum 15hrs as a pubslot cop (forgot to say but you need to be on teamspeak (ts.straya.life) at all times) and submit an application.

    For Medic:

    Pretty much the same as cop, but you don't get weapons. You get paid the same (I do believe so) and you get $10,000 per revive you get. Also they have their own rule set that you have to follow and same with cop you have to be on teamspeak at all times.

    I'll let you decide but personally I find cop or medic as a good option to start off with, as you pretty much earn a lot of money in a short timeframe with a bit of effort. Also read the rules as well so you don't break any accidentally. Have fun and welcome to the community!

    I agree, however there are so many more choices you can choose from.

    Good luck!

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  3. 11 hours ago, InfamousNova said:

    there really isnt anything that can improve the gameplay tbh. like you're probablying thinking a KOTH type deal but we have all guns unlocked and that isnt changing

    Yea, I was trying to think of a way that I&A could have a more sophisticated leaderboard system. For example, not having just weekly leaderboards, maybe on-going, like most amount of kills (yes I know there is an ingame leaderboard, but the leaderboard could expand to be weekly, daily, monthly, etc). 

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  4. 1 hour ago, InfamousNova said:

    there are weekly leaderboards like taking down towers and most ears collected. level system could be cool but what kind of perks would you propose?

    Yea, I'm not sure. I guess that's up to you guys. Any perks that would improve gameplay. Tbh, I dont really know..

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  5. I've been playing Invade & Annex for a while now, and I've noticed that I only play for an hour or two. I've come to realise this is because there is no real goal to work to, sure, controlling or defending a base is sort of a goal. But adding a level system will allow the game to become more playable. Like adding special perks for each milestone of level.

    Yes, I agree this is a milsim sort of server. But giving people a goal to work to instead of capturing a base would be a great addition.

    What do you guys think?

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