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Posts posted by geera

  1. Yo my socially acceptable black people i challenge @Red to a rap battle 


    If i win @Red has to give all his money on Altis life away 

    If @Red Wins he keeps all his money 

    if @Red Denies my request Altis life gets 40% off on all the stores and kos is reopen for the rest of the year 


    You have 24 hours to reply otherwise you forfeit 

    • feelsretardedman 3
    • Haha 2
    • nothanks 2

  2. 4 minutes ago, James32 said:

    You really need to stop obsessing over Mitch, you've taken this past the point where it is in any way a reasonable response or criticism. At this stage you're just being petulant because people are disagreeing with you/showing some critical thought.

    Yes I know a few people are the biggest fans of mitch but he has shown the ability to do good work reliably and has been a far better staff member since he has come back following his removal. The only thing I observe is people who cannot let go of the past and accept someone has improved because they just want someone to attack/blame for their own failure to follow rules

    Sorry if i am giving off the look that i am being childish i am trying to state why i am a lot of people in my gang and other rebel gangs feel about Mitch having the role of Deputy Commissioner and Snr Mod and due to him being in these to prestigious roles it will lead to him having a overly high bias towards the cop force. Also the point of us blaming him for failure to follow rules is kinda of a weird statement due to people of the rebel faction receiving a more serve punishment compared to a cop. Ie. The Diz case 

    • Dislike 1

  3. 14 minutes ago, Nova said:

    would love to see some evidence

    In terms of him banning someone for excessive speeding city limits you can check the ban report and him freezing someone in a heli causing him to crash happened in the same situation of someone going into city limits to follow someone who retreated into city limits and the person with the evidence isn't online on at the moment but ill get it to you as soon as i can

  4. 2 minutes ago, BartAllen said:

    "we" it isn't our decision. If you have evidence of him breaking server rules and treating community members like shit, take it to red. Trying to turn a community against one of their leaders is not the best way to handle it. I would assume if there were issues with mitch red would do what is best but that is my opinion.

    It is also their role to moderate the forums and cannot comment on weather your posts were or were not against the guidelines without seeing them. 


    I got one question have you had to deal with Mitch in terms of HD or Cop? Also i am not trying to turn the community on one of its leader Mitch has been considered "one of the most hated people on the server" (Multiple people in my gang and other gangs). Also, there have been countless issues with Mitch such as him freezing a person in a heli causing him to crash and lose his gear, he banned a guy for excessive speeding in city limits, ect. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Jacob Richardson said:

    @geera so because mitch did his job as a mod thats why you want him gone? Don't cry to red about censorship when you and others handled yourselves like a bunch of kids with certain things that were posted. I've known Mitch for over 3 years within Straya and hes the sort of Moderator this community needs, someone that isnt a pushover and punishes those who deserve it and with the evidence that @Red presented everything that was done is justified. Please Geera  have a sook off the forums and PM Red in the future please. :) 

    So your saying the server needs a mod who has a bias due to him being a Deputy Commissioner as well as a Snr Mod. Also i would say 90% of the mods aren't pushovers and i would say a person such as Matt Ronaldo is a great explain of this. Due to him being fair,  understanding of all factions and he is not afraid to ban anyone even his close friends


    Also i am not crying to Red, Red is the one who has been doing such things.


    • feelsretardedman 2
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  6. 1 minute ago, BartAllen said:

    I think if you want to make a post about community censorship it would nice to have some example evidence. If you are being censored unfairly I am sure you would have some supporters but at this current time it is just someone being upset with a pretty rough ban history, which could leave them mad at the staff team.

    P.S : Combat logging should be dealt with appropriately to set an example to the community that it is not tolerated. If they be too lenient people will they think they can just get away with it saying they "ragequit".

    well yeah the community has been censored due to them hiding a forum about should we get rid or Mitch from mod and i made 2 post about how a cop got close to no punishment for breaking a server rule and another forum post about censorship. Also i get combat logging should be dealt with and it shouldn't be tolerated but if the person comes back to his house literally a few minutes after it happened and say sorry i don't get why he should be banned. However, people who don't do such a thing should 100% be dealt with approiatly


  7. 2 minutes ago, Red said:


    The fact of the matter is, they broke server rules. The rules are not optional, you follow them or you get punished.
    I completely stand by my previous post.

    I removed you from TS and Discord because you were part of the cesspool that was flaming and trolling, apply for an unban tomorrow. I'll accept it then.

    First of all the first guy i agree they did break rules to an extent but due to the context of what happened they should not of received the punishment they received they should have gotten a watch list or a 1 day ban not a 3-6 day (can't remember how long) ban. For the second one they were not breaking server rules if a person retreats to city limits rebels are within their right to go into city limits and peruse the person and the second part of him ramming again any evidence (i can't remember the whole story). Thirdly a rage quit lets admit it we have done it but the most important thing was that he did return to the situation and hand himself in which was the right decision and he got banned for trying to right a wrong. Finally if we are talking about breaking rules what they forgot to mention was that Mitch did get killed and returned to the same situation to retrieve his guns and strider.


    Ps in My ban i only made 2 comments were response to what you said

    when you showed a cop who was banned the people asked you yo show a cop banned by Mitch or Augnov which you failed to do then i responded by saying all the people who have been banned in the past 2 days. But before this i was indeed laughing by saying hahaha or  something like that when someone posted what happened to Diz when he was glitching.  

  8. 1 minute ago, Red said:

    Well then, let's go have a look at the ban reports.


    Looks like a good ban, it follows the ban guideline fairly well. Nothing wrong here.


    Well this is extremely obvious and definitely deserves a ban, Nothing wrong here.


    Robbing a bank and then driving striders over to and chilling outside of the police PD, which is in city limits. Well now, that's not a smart move at all.

    Interestingly leniency was shown for some of the people involved here, there bans were reduced because they had a good history or were not as involved in the situation.


    Which of these bans are biased to you, i've just reviewed them and can see nothing that would lead me to believe a harsh sentence was served to anyone.

    Thank you for this evidence but this evidence doesn't give the whole picture. Lets take the first Ban the person went to Melbourne Pd due to them getting a message from a cop at the time saying they will not be responding to bank due to the cop to rebel ratio so this person went to PD to make sure they weren't coming (so they can abort to lobby and go to safe zone) and found they weren't coming when suddenly a person suddenly came and at that point they attempted to leave and didn't fire any bullets but the cops did return fire. The second person was inside city limits due to a common occurrence of people going into city limits and  then proceeding to retreat to a safe zone which from that point they attempted to leave city limits only to be fired at by cops and then accidentally ramming a cop in his attempt to leave city limits also if there is a video of him ramming cars id like to see that. Finally the last Ban this was due to an another common occurrence which is rage quitting but once he ragged quit he realised his mistake and then got back into the game and let them continue the raid. 


    Ps: can i please have some evidence of me shit posting which resulted in my Ts, Discord ban


    Thank you  

  9. So currently i believe the server as a whole dislikes Mitch i have had countless command, ex-command, support and countless people from cop who dislikes Mitch due to him being to harash and his punishments are done with no attempt to contact the person/persons who are at fault (I am talking about the sit today where Mitch froze a person in a heli which caused him to crash and lose all his gear aswell as the people in the heli). Also due to there being majority of people in help desk high up cops (people of snr sgt or above) there is almost always an unintentional bias towards cops. This bias can be seen in a recent case of Diz who glitched and got this reply for a command member

     "the apd would like to have no link to anyone that exploits, BUT. Seeing as you are as young kid with great potential we are not removing you from the APD. Instead you are getting the night off cop and a watchlist for exploiting" 

    This is significant due to Diz on multiple occasion has been called a bad influence on people in APD  


    And then Nuu Rushean who glitched into a house to get a person who glitched into a house when a mod sit was going on got banned for 7 days 


    I understand what red is saying when he says he doesn't listen to people who are constantly complaining about the server but Mitch being a Deputy Commisioner and a Snr Mod makes people wonder why is a person who will have such as bias and a person who has had a history and has been removed due to to his bias got the high rank of Snr Mod when there are people more liked such as Matt Ronaldo who deserve it more and is generally considered a better more fair cop and moderator


    So Finnally Yes i think you should get rid of all junior staff and derank Mitch to the rank or support team lead 


    Ps: this should be done to all Higher up Cops such as the Augnov due to him unintentionally having a bias toward he will have towards cop as state in him Mod app 



    • Like 2
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  10. 1 minute ago, James32 said:

    Staffing decisions are not made on the back of public opinion, they are made on the back of who is most competent for the job.

    Having a vocal minority try to appear as a majority isnt a reason to remove someone

    but its not a minority if the post was left for long enough and for enough people to see it will be a higher number therefore, a higher pool of people who want to voice there opinion. Also i get what you are saying with the decision are not made by public opinion but you are forgetting that its the people who play your server and its the public who deal with these people and if the people are showing their dissent in how they dislike whats happening why should no action be taken to the person?

    • Seems Good 1
    • Weary 1

  11. 3 minutes ago, Red said:

    You were posting just to keep the shit going.


    All I did was hide the post to stop the flaming and trolling, no punishment was handed out.

    I get what you are saying but i don't think i was shit posting, i was merely trying to state that X amount of people in a gang have been banned in a day and this punishment was dished out by solely the Commissioner of the APD and the Deputy Commissioner of the APD which at face value seems very biased. Also, if you believe i was shit posting can i see some evidence on which you believe i was shit posting. Finnally a punishment was handed out i was banned from the Ts for a community guideline breach



    • Facepalm 1

  12. W

    17 minutes ago, Nova said:

    maybe just maybe, submit a staff report instead of trying to call said staff member out in public. That way it gets looked at by the higher up staff if the evidence is good or not

    The reason we don't make a staff report is due to the fact we have already done this and nothing has happened. Also i believe if a person is disliked (especially a mod) and a person makes a post asking should we get rid of him something should happen to him if the majority of the people believe he should be removed.

    • Dislike 1

  13. Name: Geera

    Date of Disciplinary Action: 8/07/2018 

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: An 30-day explosive ban as well as a 15-day probation 

    Who were you Disciplined by: Jeb San 

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: The reason for the disciplinary action against me is due to me blowing up the shady doctor tower 2 at Westpac Bank during a bank 

    Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] The reason the disciplinary action should be removed is due to the fact that at the time I only suggested the idea and when I suggested the idea many of the people in channel said that it was allowed. Also when doing the act I was following in the steps of several command members who In the past I have seen do the exact same thing as long as you give them explicit warning that the tower will be blown up which was given. Therefore I should not receive this disciplinary action due to the fact that I was following in command's footsteps in the actions that I committed in the bank 

    Any other information: N/A

    • thinking3d 1