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War Machine

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Posts posted by War Machine

  1. There are some locations across the island of Altis that is not being used. Just Northeast from the base, there is an abandoned hotel and resort. I believe that it would be nice if we can conduct a special event mission in that area.

    Missions that could be done:

    • Multiple-hostage rescue mission
    • HVT assassination - most suitable for snipers; the assassin must get through patrols without being detected (idealistically)


    • Like 4

  2. On 1/18/2019 at 9:58 PM, pkisbest said:

    Is it possible to add a poll inside a topic? Or would I have to actually make a seperate post for a poll? I think there’s been a fair bit of interest both ways and would like a poll done for it.

    Please do...

    Looking for something to spice up my gameplay.

  3. On 1/17/2019 at 4:48 PM, pkisbest said:

    So it's been the interests of a few players over the last few weeks, that we could potentially make a specific day of the week hardcore for the Tanoa server. Hardcore would involve slightly harder AI, First Person Only and Stamina enabled. My own personal recommendation would be a Friday. Either run full day Friday, or during Peak times (Perhaps peak time for a trial period to see interest. High interest = 24 hour of hardcore).

    An added challenge? nice...

    Imagine that you can't bring all the ammo you want and all those other stuff like explosives because you're gonna get fatigued.

  4. 3 hours ago, decibel_spl said:

    What needs to happen from my experience on the communication front is as follows:

    • Dedicated squad radio channel delegated through the group function as normal.
    • One dedicated command channel to allow squad leaders to talk to each other
    • One mass group channel that everyone is assigned to for briefing and mission purposes, and only used by infantry for highly critical communications


    This one's better than mine, I think...

  5. 1. Since we got the option at the HOME button which is "radio management", I suggest that group 1 should be in the Alpha channel, group 2 in Brave,... We could just use the group chat channel as substitute for side chat.

    2. Each group must have at least a squad Lead, a medic, an AT rifleman, and an engineer. The rest are optional. All in all, a standard of 6 to 8 men in each group.

    • Squad Lead/Team Lead - are in charge of taking command.
    • Medic - are solely in charge of keeping everyone alive, your revive priority is your assigned group and the others second.
    • AT rifleman - are in charge of blowing up enemy vehicles
    • Engineers - your focus is to use explosive or stachel charges to blow up stuff that requires to.

    3. We might as well consider a group uniform.


    • Group 1 - CTRG Stealth Uniform (Rolled-up) and Combat Helmet (Black)
    • Group 2 - CTRG Stealth Uniform and CTRG Stealth Helmet
    • Group 3 - CTRG Stealt Uniform Tee and Combat Helmet (Black)
    • Like 2

  6. In my perspective, it was really fun having a bit of MIL-SIM experience in the server; although, we are not that organized due to the fact that first, at least most of us don't have that kind of military experience and second, there are people who are actually gate crashing, I could say that it is quite enough fun for me.

    Yes, I'm also guilty about not getting the right command from the team lead, either I don't quite understand what they want me to do or it's just that I'm not that cut out for the chaos of the battlefield. And yes, I did AFK, I had to bid my farewell to my cousin because he's going to fly to Dubai this afternoon.

    Anyway, I'm that Asian guy with a ****ed up characters (/^w^)/

    • Like 1

  7. On 11/30/2018 at 9:59 AM, pkisbest said:

    Honestly I wanted to start doing a squad related thing a few months ago. But I’ve found it hard to have time.


    Althiugh now that Uni is finished I should have no problem running them.

    Looking forward to join your squad mate or any squad that wishes to be organized.

  8. 7 hours ago, Fitz said:

    I don't think the shooting through plants/trees issue is that bad, doesn't happen to me too often at least.

    Fun fact: around 75% of our players with over 2 hours play time have Apex. Over 90% of the regulars have it as well.

    I guess they either don't know about it; still think it's running Sector Control mode and aren't interested; or just don't like Tanoa/aren't interested in general.

    So in other words, they don't like the sector control type of gameplay?... At least for me, I kind of find it interesting and unique, like it's a huge break from the well known repetitive routine of Altis.

    • Wesmart 1

  9. We all have preferences, but still; I want to know your opinion and I want to suggest something. I may not have the right to tell you this and that, but here I go.

    There are some of you who owns at least one DLC, right? As an owner of that particular DLC, wouldn't if feel right if you use it since you actually paid for it with actual money? As for me, I own the Apex DLC and I really want to play in Tanoa map; however, the thing is, only few people play in it despite the fact that they own the said DLC.

    What I'm suggesting is that, if you own the Apex DLC, I encourage you to play in Tanoa server. In doing so, it will boost the population of that server.

    • Like 1
    • nothanks 1

  10. On 11/7/2018 at 12:43 PM, webbie said:

    @War Machine as @Michael Steiner has posted this is a mature community and the game is rated at 17+ so your little sis will encounter fowl language and many other forms of straya. I will point out that I was the one to kick her and my sincerest apologies go to you and her. When I came on I was very quick to make note to players that it was not a voice changer. I will also note that I take that duty of care to protect minors very seriously so if she is on and she is able to cope with the mature content I will will take all due care that she does not get harassed in any form. However we all get told to shut the fk up at times so bare in mind that is going to happen and let's face it that voice was pretty damned high pitched. Having said all that she did nothing wrong and played her role better than most. If you do have an issue please be sure to call admin in side chat and we can help you or her out.

    I do appreciate your effort webbie as an admin of the server.

    I'm not really that upset about her being accused of voice changing, what really had me quite worked out is that; even though she's doing her job as medic, when she's the one who's down, everyone just don't want to deal with her because she's a kid and a girl. I could admit that I should have rephrased my comment about it though....

    As a dude, I too is surprised whenever there is a female player or a kid join in the server. The thing is that, I don't look or treat them differently because for me, we are here to have fun, and as long as you are doing your part and not being annoying, we can be cool with each other and maybe laugh at the mishaps happening in ArmA 3.


    • Like 1

  11. 2 hours ago, Cap said:

    @War Machineyou know there are ways to share the game to other accounts so you don't have to pay for a new copy of arma 3?


    Brilliant idea mate; however, according to my research, there are some limitations. Only five accounts can access your gaming library from up to 10 different computers. You must also have an Internet connection to access shared libraries, which are shared in their entirety. Because of what Valve calls "technical limitations" and licensing agreements, not all games are available for sharing, such as those that require a subscription.

    A shared game can only be accessed by one person at a time, which means you still won't be able to play any games together. The account holder will have priority access to his or her games. If you decide to start playing while another user is already in one of your games, they will be given the option to buy the game or end their session.

  12. 5 hours ago, Wex said:

    Don't think Arma 3 and its communities are suitable for anyone 11 years old. 

    Why? She's not like those kids that do hotmicing and screaming and do stupid stuff intentionally. My mom and her friends assesses her as rather smart and mature for her age in comparison to her classmates which are a bit older than her.
