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Posts posted by ChristopherEz

  1. Webbie, its going to be extremely sad to see you leave us but I understand that there are other commitments and problems outside of this community. I am surprised you put up with us for so long but I am glad you did. I hope to see and talk to you again soon enough as you have made not only this server but this whole community amazing, and for that we thank you so much, you are going to be missed deeply. 





    Our recent satellite images have revealed that there has been an increased activity at an airfield about 1 km North of Abdera shown in an image bellow. Intel suggests that enemy forces are using this airfield as a weapons smuggling base. Using Caesars to smuggle these weapons into Altis supplying them for the enemy to fight back against us. We have sent a recon team to investigate and search. The Intel provided is that the best time that these smugglers transport these weapons is approximately at 0200 hours. Your mission is to infiltrate that airfield, destroy any enemy SPAAGs, take out any enemy threats and return any planes that are found to the FOB (Altis International Airport) without destroying any smuggled weapons. It is with recommendation that you do this mission with the highest of stealth as reinforcements may be called if too much attention is attracted to you. Good Luck Soldiers!


    1 kilometer North of Abdera


    You will be receiving transport helos, you will also be receiving an Appache acting as CAS. Due to the distance, no ironside will be given and transport will be frequent for safety. Boats will also be located at the port of Kalithea that can be used to assist along the coast or used for stealth infiltration instead of Helicopters.


    CAS is a last resort, only used if everything is going to shit and stealth has been broken already.


    Any weapons may be used, but it is at full recommendation that you use silencers and silenced weapons


    Intel suggests there may be SPAAGs around the airfield waiting for you


    Heavy infantry Autogunners, SPAAGs, AT/AA man pads, Lots of infantry, Possible enemy helos and Boats patrolling around the airfield.



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  3. 3 hours ago, BridTheAtl said:

    Staff react pretty quickly when it comes to these kinds of things already from my understanding.

    Although it might be a cool feature to have I have to agree with Nova, if you force them out they're more than likely just going to get upset and shoot you.


    There are times where staff may not be on, may be AFK or may be dealing with another situation. But also, if they do decide to shoot you for it, then there is robocop, while with mic spamming and that there isn't

  4. 6 hours ago, Joshua_ said:

    I may be wrong, but isn't there a scroll wheel option when you're outside the vehicle to unload/unload incapacitated?...

    I agree with Nova though, players who choose not to exit the aircraft have no real impact on you. Just fly back to base and forget about it. ?

    I wasn't thinking of dead people, I was more thinking about the people that are still alive

  5. Hey boys and girls, I was thinking of this idea for mostly the helicopter/transport pilots as I know its a big issue, if it would be possible, to make a way of being able to kick out any/all passengers out of your helicopter/VTOL, now I know this may sound like a way to abuse it and troll, but you could always make it so that it can only be used either while landed or at a certain height. Like fast roping. What do you guys think? I have spoken to some people and they like the idea and they said they would definitely love it in the server. (poll will be attached)


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