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About Joel

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  1. Joel

    Age: 18 IGN: Joel Why you think you should be accepted: I think I'm a pretty funny bloke and am experienced with Arma III, I am also pretty active and have played in numerous Milsim groups so know when to shut up and listen, and Firm seems like a pretty decent bunch of guys. I am also apart of a kidneys for unfortunate hole digging children charity, its a heartfelt cause which I support. Scenarios. There are 4 gang members doing a bank robbery. (Lets say you're the leader of the group) How would you position the gang members?: - Position two on overwatch, make sure they have exits/entries covered, have one guy doing the vault cracking and one guy keeping watch on the sky/ keeping the bank cracker safe, also have him taking care of exfil. You're a soldier doing some drug runs, you notice a helicopter circling around you. What do you do?: - Contact the guy in command, ask him to make sure we dont have any assets (allied) in the air, don't fire on upon the heli until it initiates hostilities or am told to fire upon it. You're a soldier, you notice other soldier conspiring with our enemy. What would you do?: - Notify the guy in charge but keep it hush hush, don't let him know you are in on his plan and stay close to him, apprehend him at a time which you can minimise the damage he can cause but the most info can be gathered.