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Everything posted by Heimdall

  1. Heimdall

    The following is a handy glossary of Military terms used in radio communications, spoken or otherwise, in order to better clarify and acutely direct specific messages and the uses of those messages. The reasoning for this is that in the heat of battle, or other incidental circumstances, normal social cues such as articulation, tone, body language, and other signs that are used in normal social communication may be lost among yelling, screaming, or muffled speaking. The use of the following terms ignores the need for such cues, allowing messages to be accurately sent and received without them. Radio Communication Terms and Terminology · ACKNOWLEDGE: A directive requiring the recipient to confirm they received a message. · BREAK: Used to break a message for a pause before relaying the next part of the message. · CORRECT: Confirms the message broadcasted is correct. · CORRECTION: Corrects a misheard message. · DISREGARD TRANSMISSION, OUT: This means “Forget this message, it was sent in error.” · DO NOT ANSWER: Used to indicate that the called station shouldn’t reply. The sender also should end with the proword “OUT.” · FIGURES: Used to signal that numbers will follow. · I READ BACK: Used to repeat the instructions back to a sender to confirm the recipients understood them correctly. · INTERROGATIVE: To signify that a question is about to be sent, regardless of its tone or wording. · I SAY AGAIN: Used to repeat a sent message because it was either misunderstood or extremely important. · I VERIFY: Used to verify a request and repeated to verify a sent message. · MORE TO FOLLOW: Used to convey that more will follow from the message initiator. · OUT: Used to end a transmission. · OVER: Used to end a message while asking for a reply. · PRIORITY: Used for important messages that take precedence over regular conversation. · READ BACK: Used to ask a message recipient to repeat back the message exactly as received. · RELAY (TO): Transmit this message to [CALL SIGN(S)]. · ROGER: Used to confirm receipt of a message. · SAY AGAIN: Used to ask a sender to repeat their last transmission. Do not say "REPEAT". · REPEAT: Used to instruct infantry or artillery to continue firing, or to repeat the same pattern of fire as previously made. · SILENCE THIS NET: Used to signal an immediate stop of all communication until the silence is lifted. · SILENCE LIFTED: Used to lift a temporary silence of communication. · SPEAK SLOWER: Used to request that the person speaking speak more slowly. · THIS IS: Used to transmit a message from one call sign to another. But some messages omit this proword. Example: “Delta 1, Delta 2, over” vs. “Delta 1 THIS IS Delta 2, over.” · TIME: Used to convey the time frame for complying with the message. · UNKNOWN STATION: Station identity is unknown that is attempting to be communicated with. · WILCO: Used to indicate receipt of — and compliance with — the instructions of another radio operator. Note that this list is very watered down as opposed to a legitimate Military communications glossary for the purposes of simplifying it for what is, at the end of the day, a game we come to in order to escape real life complexity and stress. Common Abbreviations · AA: Air-to-Air. · AAM: Air-to-Air Missile. · AG / SA: Air-to-Ground / Surface-to-Air. · AGM / SAM: Air-to-Ground Missile / Surface-to-Air Missile. · AP: Armour-Piercing, non-explosive. • APSFDS: Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilised Discarding Sabot, AP rounds. • GPR: General-Purpose Round, AP. · CAP: Challenge and Pass, a predetermined verbal call to approaching troops with a ‘password’ response to prevent infiltration. · DZ: Drop Zone, specifically for paratrooper units. Not to be confused with LZ. · HE: High Explosive, anti-personnel, unarmoured structures, and light vehicles. · HEAT: High-Explosive Anti-Tank, armour piercing round with explosive component for destroying slat cages and penetrating armour. • MP: Multi-Purpose HEAT rounds. · HOTAS: Hands-on-Throttle-and-Stick, rotary and fixed-wing flight design. · HVT: High Value Target. · IR: Infra-Red, such as weapon mounted laser or laser guidance systems. · LZ: Landing Zone, aircraft landing position for the deployment of troops. See also DZ. · MRAP: Mine-Resistant Armoured Personnel vehicle, such as a Hunter or Strider. · PGM: Precision-Guided Munitions. · POW: Prisoner of War. · ROE: Rules of Engagement, the laws by which all wartime interactions with other entities are made. · RPG: Rocket Propelled Grenade, such as in an RPG-7. · SOCOM: Special Operations Command. · TOW: Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided missiles, such as in the Verona or Titan MPRL variants. · UGV: Unmanned Ground Vehicle. · VTOL: Vertical Take Off & Landing, fixed wing aircraft capable of taking off and landing much like a helicopter, without the use of a runway. · VTAS: Voice, Throttle and Stick, rotary and fixed-wing flight design. Combat Abbreviations and Terminology · AFV: Armoured Fighting Vehicle, such as a Kamysh or Bobcat. · APC: Armoured Personnel Carrier, such as a Marshall or Gorgon. · CAS: Close-Air-Support, fixed wing or rotary aircraft with combat capabilities, such as a Black Wasp, Neophron, or Kajman. · MBT: Main Battle Tank, such as an Abrams, Kuma, or Angara. · UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. · UGV: Unmanned Ground Vehicle. … Sized Force / Element: Fire Team…: A team of approximately 4-5, usually comprised of two Riflemen, a Grenadier, an Automatic Rifleman, and a Medic. One of the Riflemen will likely be Team Leader. Squad…: Approximately 7-14 - or 2-3 Fire Teams – commanded by a Sergeant or Staff Sergeant. Platoon / Section…: Approximately 16-44 soldiers led by a Lieutenant, second-commanded by an NCO. Can consist of 2-4 Squads, or replace Squads entirely and consist of 4-10 Fireteams. Company…: 3-5 Platoons / Sections, approximately 60-200 soldiers. Commanded by a Captain. Replacement terms are: · Battery: Artillery company. · Troop: Armoured or Air Cavalry. Battalion…: 4-6 Companies, between 300 to 1000 personnel. BLUFOR does not possess any Battalion sized elements in Altis & Stratis. CSAT / OPFOR forces around an AO will be at this level. CASEVAC / MEDEVAC: Casualty / Medical Evacuation, typically calling for a transport helicopter unless otherwise specified. The use of any of the above terms is for the purpose of enhancing a realistic experience for those players who desire it, however it is not mandatory and familiarisation with the content of this table cannot be expected from all players. More than likely it will be limited to individual, locally organised squads of dedicated players. I hope you enjoyed this guide and find it informative & helpful!