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Everything posted by Connor.

  1. Connor.

    Lookin' pretty clear to me
  2. Connor.

    Altis Life v6.5.1864 Release Date: 12/11/2017 Size: 20,419KB Notes: Download the update before it goes live here! Have a question about this update? Ask it on discord. Items marked with * have a related segment under "Details" Bug fix patch released at 3pm 12/11/2017 Bug fix patch released at 3am 13/11/2017 Change Log: Added: 20 more civ slots (100 total) Added: Map to the police shops Added: Boat shop & garage to brisbane PD Added: Boat shop & garage to gang base 2 Added: Dynamic simulation for simulated objects (trial) Modified: Renamed "Kavala Port" to "Sydney Port" Modified: Moved Cartel 1 air spawn Modified: Moved Cartel 2 air spawn Modified: Minor adjustments to admin tools Modified: Anticheat update* Details: Anticheat update: Our anticheat is set up to detect deprecated addons on a players game, specifically addons that used to contain game files but are now empty with just the addon info. BI leaves the these .pbo files in your game install but removes them from the steam branch so they are no longer available for download (which is how we know they are deprecated). Up until now we have kicked to the lobby for using these files as the list we had was small, but we have come across some more recent addons that are now deprecated so some changes have been made. We no longer kick for deprecated addons, instead you will get a pop up when you load in saying which addons are deprecated and what files you can remove. This detection may be removed depending on the amount of spam we get on our end from it, so we will watch it over the next day or two and decide from there. Report all bugs via discord. If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team. Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!
  3. Connor.

    Altis Life v6.5.1820 Release Date: 08/09/2017 Size: 20,409KB Notes: Download the update before it goes live here! Have a question about this update? Ask it on discord. Items marked with * have a related segment under "Details" Change Log: Added: Ambulance* Added: Police Van* Added: SRT Van* Added: Civilian Van Variants* Added: Delivery Van* Added: EMS Paramedic Uniforms* Added: Large selection of 'Laws of War' clothing to the civilian clothing shop Added: 250 million dollar bank and cash limit* Added: New placeables for EMS & Cops Modified: Polair & SRT Helicopter skins* Modified: Compensation link Modified: Sydney Limits Modified: Various changes to most weapon shops Modified: Reduced cost of drug licenses Modified: Redesigned hospital surgical area with new medical props Modified: Changed requirements to access the KOS stores Modified: Fixed delivery missions not checking spawn zone safely before spawning new vehicles Details: New Textures: Money Cap: This is 250 million for bank and cash separately, so you can have up to 500 million in total (if you're the type who carries 250m around with them). Report all bugs via the in game bug tracker. If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team. Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!
  4. Connor.

    Yea... not the first time you have come out on the offensive against someone and continued to argue your point until bedtime when you say sorry and then run off for the night, so your appoligies are empty. Ive locked the post because the general message of “plz fix the server” is fine and well but the layers and layers of retardation is just childish.
  5. Connor.

    james isnt hired he is a volunteer.
  6. Connor.

    I like choclate out of all the thick shakes. its generic but same as the McChicken, it works for me.
  7. Connor.

    Well yea, I could go to a real restaurant for quality but as far as a quick bite goes the McChicken has chicken, lettus and a bun so it sort of works how food is meant to.
  8. Connor.

    Personally I like the McChicken out of all the burgers on the menu. It doesn’t have much in it but thats less for them to get wrong I guess. Sometimes I might go for something bigger but most of the time a simple McChicken does it for me.
  9. Connor.

    I understand its frustrating but making it out like he should care more about straya than his own future isn't very smart. Like I said though, I'll look at a headless client cause wastelands biggest issue is AI, so move the AI load off the server and theoretically itl cope better.
  10. Connor.

    I too believe @James32 is the devil and think @James32 should leave university to dedicate @James32's time to fixing the mess @James32 has created Real talk tho stock wasteland is pretty bad as is, I'll look at how hard it is to get a headless client going on wasteland.
  11. Connor.

    With or without NVGs night time impacts FPS. It has to render more lightpoints (and other things i assume?) which takes a toll. I ran a test a month or so back looking into this, at midday I had 120fps and at midnight I had 95fps. I didnt move position or change direction, the only difference was the time of day.
  12. Connor.

    You quote my message and make comment on it but expect me to not reply to it? That's not how conversations work my friend.
  13. Connor.

    I am working on other things. I have no interest in any aspect of wasteland however I'm happy to give advice and suggestions where its needed.
  14. Connor.

    why talk? you quoted me... At the end of the day i actually know what I'm doing with arma and can offer real suggestions instead of generic shit like "remove the AI".
  15. Connor.

    Can't say i understood this but i think the gist of it was "if there are too many AI remove some"? That is up to the wasteland guys if they want to take that road. It means there would be less active missions which may make things a bit boring. The best option for performance would be using a headless client to do the thinking for all AI but I dont know if wasteland is compatible with a headless client in its current configuration.
  16. Connor.

    im pretty sure we've tried milsim on more than one occasion. there is probs a good reason why its dead.
  17. Connor.

    We have been watching the server for the last week now and its pretty safe to say it performs far better on dedicated server 2. We will leave it there for the time being.
  18. Connor.

    Hey all, I was playing the server last night and noticed it was a bit rubberbandy over 90 players. Obviously we have spent most of this year dealing with crashes and mass kicks but now that both those issues are resolved its time to address the desync. Starting from 3pm today Altis Life will be running on our second dedicated server for a trial. The second server has a better CPU for Arma so we are wanting to see if being on it reduces the lag at all which will help us decide what to do from here. The server is isolated from I&A and Wasteland so it cannot impact their performance, and they cannot impact ours. It is also connected to the same database so there are no dramas there. Cheers
  19. Connor.

    Altis Life v6.5.1862 Release Date: 31/10/2017 Size: 20,416KB Notes: Download the update before it goes live here! Have a question about this update? Ask it on discord. Change Log: Added: Cartel actions to gang bases Modified: Patched overlooked method for rearming vehicles Modified: Changed walls at brisbane bank Modified: Moved truck spawn at sydney further away from the npc Modified: Fixed cooking raw food Modified: Fixed some small bugs in the rob shop script Report all bugs via discord. If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team. Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!
  20. Connor.

    You don't understand how much id love to move all but the core shops away from sydney, but I feel like if we tried that people would be all like simply cause its a change. Its usually between 60%~80% of the population is in the sydney corner of the map.
  21. Connor.

    personally i think it isnt fair to do a dec on everyone in a city if its a spawn city. especially sydney because new people will be spawning there all the time so theyd be decd on before they even join the server which they cant know about unless someone has told them, so for those who dont know itd just be rdm. thats just me tho.
  22. Connor.

    delete the battleye folder from ur game directory then verify game on steam
  23. Connor.

  24. most of the time i find i can write things better myself. a good example is the Igiload vehicle loading that used to be in altis life. That was a performance nightmare so i wrote my own version to achieve the same result with far less aids. There is also the permission factor. Technically anyone can use any script they find no permission required, but its more of a respect thing. as in if i spend hours working on a system for strayagaming, id appreciate it if people asked if they can have it instead of just taking it (which has happened before).
  25. im against advanced movements cause it lets u jump through things u shouldnt be able to jump through, the rappelling im all for so we will see how it goes, i know i can just rip the scripts from the mod but if i can make it better myself i will.