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Everything posted by Connor.

  1. Connor.

    I'm legit too I just do some developing every now and then.
  2. Connor.

    cause i know u dont believe me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/connorcabletv/
  3. Connor.

    Fix for gear reverting to old loadout on relog.
  4. Connor.

    oh, i misread ur post
  5. Connor.

    SOCOMD is a milsim group.
  6. Connor.

    It is just a fog fix
  7. Connor.

    Just because it works for one server does not mean it will work for the next. Don't get me wrong Asylum is clearly doing something right, however their popularity has come from youtube, not lag free servers. The few times I have been on asylum there has always been ppl in side complaining about some kind of lag. I'd like to think they are running many different server side extensions, they run real-world weather ingame so who knows what other fancy things they have going.
  8. Connor.

    Base building is always a fun thing however I don't think it has a place in life. Not for the kind of RP on our server. The mass kicks is due to an issue with the mission, however I'll explain that further down. For a life server those settings would kill even the smallest of them. I am going to assume you copied them off a guide so those settings could be for anything. Each server needs to configure their network cfg independently, no guide i have found is all that useful. I have got the servers network config pretty close to perfect, the current desync issue is due to low ass frames on the server. I'll try and explain it as best I can. On arma 3 server, the frames are important as on each frame network msgs are sent (among other operations). Max frames you can get is 50. So for 50 times per second messages are being sent. Depending on your network settings the server can start to bottleneck anywhere between 20/10 frames. The server mass kicks players when it bottlenecks so hard no messages can get through, then is goes through a mental breakdown and says 'I cant find this person, or this person, or this person' and does it over and over until it decides its time to clear everything out and start fresh. Our issue is that very soon after the server restarts (usually about half an hour to an hour) the frames can get as low as 5. The network settings I have running help hold things together but it only lasts so long. I made some modifications for the last update which saw our avg fps rise slightly, so I think I am onto something. I have many more things I must change and look into before we see an improvement, however I am doing everything I can to have all these changes done for the next update. Unfortunately its mostly trial and error with these kinds of things, and there is no way for me to properly test changes until they go onto a populated server. Anyway, this is slightly off topic from what this thread is about so I will leave it at that.
  9. Connor.

    Proficiencys have not been forgotten. They will be seeing some love very soon.
  10. Connor.

    i am working on something in regards to that... keep an eye out over the next few updates
  11. Connor.

    Are you referring to the one with #ByFire in the name or the official minigame server? I'll give you my best description of each anyway. #ByFire: From what I see in its mission list it runs the default A3 missions as well as some training missions related to Altis Life. As Byron has said it was used once, however I haven't seen anyone on it. Official: I am working on putting together a bunch of minigames so we can throw a server up whenever ppl want to have a bit of fun. It currently hosts Gun Game (CoD style basically), but the goal is to have things like One in the chamber, dog fights (jets and helos), vehicle races and anything else that ppl may have a good time on.
  12. Connor.

    just to confirm. are you wanting this for a 'visual store' or so you can save a loadout for easy rearming?
  13. Connor.

    this sentence
  14. Connor.

    cannot access it as in there is no scroll wheel option? if so then at what station? or cannot access it as in it says you can't? Details are good.
  15. Connor.

    When i was at a certain other server I did this for all the cop stations. They were a lot more pleasing to look at, more welcoming for civs to come in and report crimes, and no more trolling than usual. I know i dont play life so its not like this will effect me, just thought Id add my opinion as ever server keeps their police bases as bases, not stations. They should be stations that welcome people into a small portion of it to report crimes and whatever else.
  16. Connor.

    Names are no good to me, i need things like what ranks are those who can and cant access. Where are we trying and not trying to access the lockers. Having none of this means i have to start at the beginning of the mission and work until i find an issue... Id rather not do that.
  17. Connor.

    Can you specify consistencies for those who do and dont have 'access'? There are no restrictions on who can and cant use lockers so the more info the better. Its a scroll wheel option on one of the npcs at syd, mel and bne bases.
  18. Connor.

    'On hold' is probably a good term to use in this case. 'On hold' until there is enough resources and time to consider tanoa life again.
  19. Connor.

    tried using a new arma 3 profile?
  20. Connor.

    I not 100% sure. I want to say its something like 1000 weight. it uses the same weight values as the ones uses when storing things in a real container (like clothing or a vehicle). Virtual items use the weights defined in the mission config.
  21. Connor.

    ... it stores all items, physical and virtual. Its just virtual storage as in its not a container.
  22. Connor.

    Locker system is virtual storage for cops. After a long day out in the field, you come back to the station and stick your gear in your locker. Ya know? Max jail time is either 1 or 2 hours (the failed message says one hour but the code allows for two ), min being 5 minutes.
  23. Connor.

    That's the idea. In default arma you could travel for an eternity before you need to refuel, this simply accelerates the fuel consumption. Do send feedback via the bug report menu ingame if you feel something is wrong as we can change the values for each individual vehicle. Include in your report: Vehicle name Distance traveled
  24. Connor.

    At this stage no. As far as I'm aware we are still ironing out the finer details.
  25. Connor.

    It's in the ideas list, so basically it is yet to be considered.